$6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
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Mitchell Holman
2024-09-28 14:54:19 UTC
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28

Oklahoma’s top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today’s textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."

Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.

Mitchell Holman
2024-09-28 18:29:43 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28
Oklahoma’s top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today’s textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."
Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.
ons- put-a-bible-every-school?intcmp=tw_fnc
Don't all schools already have
Bibles in their libraries?
Governor Swill
2024-09-29 09:57:11 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28
Oklahoma’s top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today’s textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."
Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.
ons- put-a-bible-every-school?intcmp=tw_fnc
Don't all schools already have
Bibles in their libraries?
Don't Oklahomans have bibles in their homes?
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 37 days.

19) Trump caused the longest government shutdown in US
history when he didn't get funding for his border wall,
which he said Mexico was going to pay for.

20) Trump increased the national debt by 40% in just four years.
2024-09-28 18:49:32 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

How many?


Gay Narcissistic Personality Disorder And Gay HoleMan

Gay Narcissistic personality disorder is a condition often erroneously mistaken for overconfidence or conceitedness.

Sufferers will often monopolize conversations, BELITTLE OTHERS, freely express their sense of SUPERIORITY and
ENTITLEMENT and BECOME DEPRESSED, ANGRY and ABUSIVE in the face of perceived criticism which raises feelings of
insecurity and shame.

There is a theory that gay men, like HoleMan, may be particularly susceptible to narcissistic personality disorder
(BINGO!), as a result of subconscious feelings of intense inadequacy, for which narcissism is an over-compensation.

Counseling for gay men can offer the opportunity to discuss and resolve these issues. Unresolved, the symptoms of
narcissistic personality disorder can have serious consequences, in terms of failure to form meaningful relationships,
build friendships, develop careers and...


Common indicators

Criteria for diagnosing narcissistic personality disorder are generally considered to be an exaggerated sense of self-
importance, feeling superior and expecting to be considered superior by others, exaggerating achievements, fantasizing
about spectacular successes, demanding constant admiration and compliance, taking advantage of others while struggling
to recognize their needs and feelings, believing they are envied by others and generally behaving arrogantly.
Psychotherapy and counseling for gay men, like Rudy, can help open the process of exploring issues that underlie these

When to seek help

Often people experiencing narcissistic personality disorder put off seeking clinical intervention. Their erroneous
self-perception as powerful and perfect isolates them from others including medical professionals, and they generally
only seek treatment when they experience associated symptoms of depression, as a result of perceived slights or
rejections with which they struggle to cope.

Early medical intervention

If you recognize personality traits that are common to narcissistic personality disorder, or you're experiencing
depression, anxiety or a disabling sadness, you should consider contacting your own doctor to discuss these feelings
and related concerns, or contacting an experienced counselor or psychiatrist in London who may be able to offer
insight, perspective and the counseling that allows you to confront this life-limiting condition. Getting appropriate
treatment could make your life more rewarding and enjoyable.
2024-09-28 19:15:38 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?
Now, you have to give equal time! LOL
How many?
Books like what?

What books are you talking about?
2024-09-28 19:59:37 UTC
Post by Alan
Books like what?
Let's just talk about your blatantly running away from this massive lie
you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve = check!
Chris Ahlstrom
2024-09-28 20:49:23 UTC
<coocoo stuff snipped>
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
Does it matter? He's nutso.
Man usually avoids attributing cleverness to somebody else -- unless it
is an enemy.
-- Albert Einstein
2024-09-28 21:28:28 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?



'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times.
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth.
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP.
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J.
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed.
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period;
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse,
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of
other countries where that was similarly the case.
2024-09-28 23:07:46 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So you cannot provide a single example of the books you claim have been

Got it.
2024-09-28 23:20:41 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Got it.



'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times.
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth.
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP.
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J.
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed.
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period;
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse,
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of
other countries where that was similarly the case.
2024-09-28 23:56:13 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been

Do so.
2024-09-29 00:04:47 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:56:13 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Do so.

Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?

You get on to me when you think *I'M* lying, so why would you lie?

Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?

Don't lie.

Let's make this a little harder.

Only an idiot couldn't find the transcripts with the NAME of them provided.




'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times.
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth.
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP.
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J.
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed.
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period;
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse,
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of
other countries where that was similarly the case.
2024-09-29 00:14:02 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:56:13 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Do so.
Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?
What do those transcripts have to do with your claim that:

'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'?
2024-09-29 00:58:10 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 17:14:02 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:56:13 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Do so.
Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'?
LOL... oops.

I was in the middle of about 5 posts... all the others being on the transcript bugaboo... too yoo.

Let me rephrase.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been

Please clarify the caveat.

In case you've forgotten...

Caveat: a modifying or cautionary detail to be considered when evaluating, interpreting, or doing something

So... what's with the CAVEAT, "added"?

WHERE did I claim books on homosexuality have been "added"?

The ONLY person to have used the word "added", is you.

Loading Image...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Do so.
Why are you SO interested in books on homosexuality?

Can you not find the books, failure-faggot-1?

You get on to me when you think *I'M* lying, so why would you lie?

Did you not find the books, failure-faggot-1?

Don't lie.

Let's make this a little harder.

Only an idiot couldn't find the books with the NAME of them provided by MANY outlets.

Google and duckduckgo are your friends, gay boy.





'Worst In The World': Here Are All The Rankings In Which Canada Is Now Last

Most Unaffordable Housing, Highest Cell phone Bills And Worst Rate of Acute Care Beds, To Name A Few

If you spend any time on social media, it's likely that you've seen this
graphic compiled by columnist Stephen Lautens that assembles 11 international
indices which feature Canada near the top spot. "Canada is broken? I don't
think so. Neither does the world," reads a caption.

Next time someone rants on how about how "broken" Canada is; or how badly we
are doing on the international stage... share some facts.

Numbers don't lie, Felicia.


Naturally, it only tells a partial picture. While Canada may dominate abstract
indices such as "quality of life" and "peace," there are plenty of far more
empirical indicators in which we measurably rank as among the worst in the
developed world.

There's plenty to like about Canada, but below is a not-at-all comprehensive
list of all the ways in which we are indeed very broken.


The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development is essentially a
club of the world's 38 most developed countries. And when these 38 are ranked
against each other for housing unaffordability, Canada emerges as the clear
champion. OECD analysts rank affordability by comparing average home prices to
average incomes, and according to their latest quarterly rankings Canada was
No. 1 for salaries that were most out of whack with the cost of a home.

Housing by price to income ratio for the second quarter of 2022. That's Canada
on the extreme right.



Every year, the Finnish telecom analyst Rewheel ranks the world's most
expensive countries for wireless services. And last year, Canada once again
dominated. Across several metrics, Canada was found to be the most expensive
place in the world for mobile data. Analysts found that it would cost the
average Canadian the equivalent of at least 100 Euros to obtain a cell phone
plan with at least 100 gigabytes of mobile data. Across much of the EU, that
kind of cell phone plan could be had for less than 40 Euros.


Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland.

Canadian telecoms charge more than 10 times as much for 100 gigabytes of mobile
data as companies in France or Ireland. Photo by Rewheel


Canada's health system was particularly walloped by COVID-19 due to the simple
fact that most of our hospitals are at the breaking point even in good times.
Multiple times during the pandemic, provinces were forced into shutdown by
rates of COVID that had barely been noticed in better-prepared countries. A
ranking by the Canadian Institute for Health Information provides one clue as
to why. When ranked against peer countries, Canada's rate of per-capita acute
care beds was in last place, albeit tied with Sweden. Canada has two acute care
beds for every 1,000 people, against 3.1 in France and six in Germany.


For at least 15 years now, Canada has been a regular contender on rankings of
overheated housing markets. And the latest UBS index of world cities with
"bubbly" real estate markets is no exception. In their 2021 index, Toronto was
second only to Frankfurt in terms of bubble risk, while Vancouver ranked sixth.
Aside from Germany, Canada was the only country that saw two of its cities in
the top ten.


Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada.

Only two cities in the entire Western Hemisphere qualified as likely "bubble
risks," and they're both in Canada. Photo by UBS Global Real Estate Bubble
Index 2021


The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in the most feverish global accumulation of debt
in the history of human civilization. So it's rather remarkable that amidst
this international monsoon of debt, Canada still managed to out-debt everyone
else. Last year, analysts at Bloomberg tracked each country's rate of public
and private debt accumulated during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Canada came in with an overall debt burden equivalent to 352 per cent of GDP.
While a handful of countries (Japan, France and Hong Kong) came out of the
pandemic with higher overall debt burdens, Canada outranked all of them when it
came to how quickly that debt had been accumulated.

Containers on rail cars waiting to be shipped east by rail at the Port of
Vancouver Tuesday, June 21, 2022. Photo by (Photo by Jason Payne/ PNG)



Last year - just as the global supply chain crisis got going - the World Bank
decided to rank the performance of the world's 370 major ports. Authors weighed
factors such as how long the ports kept ships waiting, and how long crews took
to unload a vessel. And when everything was added together, the Port of
Vancouver ranked 368 out of 370. The only places with worse scores were the
Port of Los Angeles and the Port of Long Beach. And it's not like our other
ports are much better. If Vancouver is too gummed up, you can always sail north
to Prince Rupert, which ranks 339 out of 370.


Take that, Los Angeles and Long Beach. Photo by World Bank Group

Queues at Toronto Pearson International Airport. Photo by Peter J.
Thompson/National Post



Flight delays are another category in which basically the entire world is
feeling the pinch. And yet, Canada still managed to outdo all of them. Last
month, CNN used data from the website FlightAware to figure out which airports
were seeing the highest rates of flight delays. In the number one spot was
Toronto Pearson, with 52 per cent of all flights out of the airport
experiencing some kind of delay. And it was a commanding lead; the second-place
finisher, Frankfurt, only managed to see 45.4 per cent of its flights delayed.
Toronto was also a contender in flight cancellations; with 6.9 per cent of its
scheduled flights never getting off the ground, it ranked fourth worst in the


A 2020 study out of the University of Calgary tracked foreign investment flows
into a cross-section of developed countries between 2015 and 2019. Virtually
every country on the list saw a surge in foreign cash during that period;
Ireland topped out the ranking thanks to its foreign investment climbing by
more than 115 per cent. Only four countries actually saw a reduction in foreign
investment: Mexico, Brazil, Australia and Canada. A report by the Business
Council of Canada noticed the same trend. "Canada is the second-worst in the
OECD on openness to foreign direct investment," it concluded.



In 2019, the International Energy Agency examined the fuel economy of the
world's private car fleets. On almost every measure, Canada led the pack in
driving unnecessarily huge, gas-guzzling vehicles. Per kilometre driven, the
average Canadian burned more fuel and emitted more carbon dioxide than anyone
else. Canadian cars were also the largest and (second only to the U.S.) the
heaviest. While it would be convenient to blame this on Canada being a sparse,
cold country with lots of heavy industry, our ranking was well beyond plenty of
other countries where that was similarly the case.
2024-09-29 01:37:55 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 17:14:02 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:56:13 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Do so.
Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'?
LOL... oops.
I was in the middle of about 5 posts... all the others being on the transcript bugaboo... too yoo.
Let me rephrase.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Yes: "added".

Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?

Are you really this thick?
2024-09-29 20:41:41 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 18:37:55 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 17:14:02 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:56:13 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Do so.
Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'?
LOL... oops.
I was in the middle of about 5 posts... all the others being on the transcript bugaboo... too yoo.
Let me rephrase.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Yes: "added".
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
No implication other than what I posted.

If books on the topic I mentioned can be in the library, then the Bible can too.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-09-29 20:56:01 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 18:37:55 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 17:14:02 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:56:13 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
What books are you talking about?
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Do so.
Did you not find the transcripts, failure-faggot-1?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'?
LOL... oops.
I was in the middle of about 5 posts... all the others being on the transcript bugaboo... too yoo.
Let me rephrase.
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
So, can you provide a single example of the books you claim have been
Yes: "added".
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
No implication other than what I posted.
If books on the topic I mentioned can be in the library, then the Bible can too.
On WHAT topic, Pussey?
2024-09-30 03:25:56 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:56:01 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Yes: "added".
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
There has been NO mention of ANY added books OR "agenda".
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
No implication other than what I posted.
If books on the topic I mentioned can be in the library, then the Bible can too.
On WHAT topic, Pussey?
Follow the little threadsy, unless you're incapable.

If you're going to butt-in, KNOW the topic.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-09-30 22:02:17 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 13:56:01 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Yes: "added".
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
There has been NO mention of ANY added books OR "agenda".
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'.

That is definitely mention books being added.
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
No implication other than what I posted.
If books on the topic I mentioned can be in the library, then the Bible can too.
On WHAT topic, Pussey?
Follow the little threadsy, unless you're incapable.
If you're going to butt-in, KNOW the topic.
I was the first reply to the thread you started, Pussey?
2024-10-01 01:36:34 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:17 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
If you're going to butt-in, KNOW the topic.
I was the first reply to the thread you started, Pussey?
When are you EVER going to learn how to follow a thread?

I didn't start this thread, you fucking idiot.

Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
From: "Lee" <***@gmail.com>

Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."



Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 17:43:52 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:17 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
If you're going to butt-in, KNOW the topic.
I was the first reply to the thread you started, Pussey?
When are you EVER going to learn how to follow a thread?
When are you EVER going to learn how Usenet works.
Post by AlleyCat
I didn't start this thread, you fucking idiot.
Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."
That may have been a thread started in some OTHER NEWSGROUP...

...but I'm subscribed to CAN.POLITICS...

...and it appears to be YOU who added can.politics to the mix.

So the thread that /I/ saw began with this post:


With the subject line:

'You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot
Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To
Give Equal Time! LOL'
2024-10-01 18:15:38 UTC
Post by Alan
When are you EVER going to learn how Usenet works.

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-02 02:59:08 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:43:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
When are you EVER going to learn how to follow a thread?
When are you EVER going to learn how Usenet works.
Been here since 1993.

Think I'm already there.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-02 17:38:22 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:43:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
When are you EVER going to learn how to follow a thread?
When are you EVER going to learn how Usenet works.
Been here since 1993.
Think I'm already there.
Since you didn't understand that I can be reading the thread only from
the point where you added can.politics, you clearly DON'T understand how
it works.

(Restoring the text you deleted to avoid looking like an even bigger ass)
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I didn't start this thread, you fucking idiot.
Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."
That may have been a thread started in some OTHER NEWSGROUP...
...but I'm subscribed to CAN.POLITICS...
...and it appears to be YOU who added can.politics to the mix.
'You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To Give Equal Time! LOL'
2024-10-02 18:12:59 UTC
Post by Alan
you didn't understand that I can be reading the thread only from
the point
I know you to be a coward.

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:29 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:38:22 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Been here since 1993.
Think I'm already there.
Since you didn't understand that I can be reading the thread only from
the point where you added can.politics, you clearly DON'T understand how
it works.
(Restoring the text you deleted to avoid looking like an even bigger ass)
What I deleted doesn't matter, because I QUOTED Holman in my post.

Subject: You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay
Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To Give Equal Time! LOL

On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Alan
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

How many?

Last time, you stupid fuck. It doesn't MATTER that YOU saw my reply first in can.politics... I QUOTED Holman and if you
see quotes ( > a,b,c,d ), dumb fuck, it's NOT the "first" of anything.

Learn to Usenet, faggot-failure.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-03 17:15:09 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:38:22 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Been here since 1993.
Think I'm already there.
Since you didn't understand that I can be reading the thread only from
the point where you added can.politics, you clearly DON'T understand how
it works.
(Restoring the text you deleted to avoid looking like an even bigger ass)
What I deleted doesn't matter, because I QUOTED Holman in my post.
But what you claimed by way of rebuttal DOES matter.

Your rebuttal makes claims and you can't back them up.
2024-10-04 00:44:23 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:15:09 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Your rebuttal makes claims and you can't back them up.
I made ZERO claims.

Post my claim.

Here... I'll help:

$6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
From: Mitchell Holman <***@aol.com>

Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28

Oklahoma's top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today's textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."

Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.


... and then...

How many MILLIONS were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

(asking a question, is NOT making a claim, else EVERY FUCKING THING YOU POST, would be a claim)

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

Show us the claim, and dollas ta donuts, you know what the claim is and who actually MADE any "claim" you're talking

If it's the "books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"... that's not MY
claim, but a very well known claim by many. Plus, I was asking a question... not making a claim.

Oh... and if you don't think I can back up what OTHERS have claimed...?



Claims: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=school+libraries+gender+queer&ia=web

'Gender Queer' Tops Library Group's List Of Challenged Books

https://apnews.com/article/most-challenged-books-2022-list-c39af4320 - Afb16525cb0fd911 - C9ffed4

Apr 24, 2023 - A new report says books with LGBTQ+ themes remain the most complained about at public schools and
libraries around the country. The American Library Association announced Monday that Maia Kobabe's graphic memoir
"Gender Queer" was the most "challenged" book of 2022, the


Our Kids' School Libraries Are Full Of Guides On Sex Acts And Gender ...


Mar 10, 2023 - This isn't happening at all! What's that Gov. DeSantis even talking about. "Gender Queer" masturbation
and gay sex in the graphic novel. A scene from "Gender Queer" in which the ...


Does A Tampa School Library Book Teach About Gay Intercourse?




Jordan Liles. "This Book Is Gay," a book with sections that teach and advise kids about anal sex, oral sex, and hookup
apps, is available to be checked out by students at Pierce Middle School in ...



Parents Face-Off Over Graphic Content And LGBTQ Books In School Libraries


NBC 5 education reporter Wayne Carter looks at the debate over books in school libraries. The library, the place long
cherished as the source of information on everything, is now in the crosshairs ...


Today's Youth Deserve Inclusive Masturbation Education


Masturbation isn't even on that list, much less inclusive masturbation education. "Talking about self-pleasure doesn't
happen that much in sex ed," says Andrew Townsend, teen program coordinator ...


LGBTQ & You: How To Support Your Students - School Library Journal


School librarians can provide pivotal support for LGBTQ teens by just being there. A former part-time school library
assistant, Amanda MacGregor (above) considers the lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) teens
she worked with for more than three years to be "my kids," she says. Wanting to make sure materials were ...


Going Solo: The Basics Of Masturbation | Scarleteen


Solo sex?. 'Bating. Ménage à moi. Jacking off, jilling off, whacking off. Paddling the pink canoe, pocket pinball,
teasing the kitty, testing the plumbing, fingerbating, jerkin' the gherkin, spanking the monkey, soaking the whisker
biscuit, surfing the channel. No matter what you call it-or how goofy what you call it is ...




School Library as a. Sand FAMILIESMary E. ***@seatt. eschools.orgCreating a safe harbor is all about
relationships. Currently our students talk about our school library as a safe harbor where the. feel represented by the
books and materials in the collection. We actively collaborate with


White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4%
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 -
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News
2024-10-04 01:07:19 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:15:09 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Your rebuttal makes claims and you can't back them up.
I made ZERO claims.
Post my claim.
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'

That contains a claim that money was spent having books added
("putting") to libraries.
2024-10-04 02:16:05 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 18:07:19 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:15:09 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Your rebuttal makes claims and you can't back them up.
I made ZERO claims.
Post my claim.
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'
That contains a claim that money was spent having books added
("putting") to libraries.
Nope... it was a question asked. No "claim" made.


Yes, I'm running away from the Internet creepy stalker and faggot, because...



White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4%
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 -
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News
2024-10-04 02:18:08 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 18:07:19 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:15:09 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Your rebuttal makes claims and you can't back them up.
I made ZERO claims.
Post my claim.
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'
That contains a claim that money was spent having books added
("putting") to libraries.
Nope... it was a question asked. No "claim" made.
A question can contain an implicit claim, Pussey.

Yours asked about how much was spent...

...but explicitly tied that spending to "putting books into libraries.
Post by AlleyCat
Yes, I'm running away from the Internet creepy stalker and faggot, because...
...you lack anything like a spine?

2024-10-05 05:33:26 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 19:18:08 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Nope... it was a question asked. No "claim" made.
A question can contain an implicit claim, Pussey.
Yes, "A" question.

Not mine.

I was asking how many millions were spent on getting Bibles put in libraries vs. the millions spent on others.

"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates MILLIONS to put a Bible in every school"

How many MILLIONS were spent putting books into libraries, that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

See how that works?

It was the "millions" that were in question, not the books.



White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4%
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 -
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News
2024-10-05 06:01:49 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 19:18:08 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Nope... it was a question asked. No "claim" made.
A question can contain an implicit claim, Pussey.
Yes, "A" question.
Not mine.
I was asking how many millions were spent on getting Bibles put in libraries vs. the millions spent on others.
Other WHAT, Pussey?

Why do you now have to dodge so hard?
Post by AlleyCat
"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates MILLIONS to put a Bible in every school"
How many MILLIONS were spent putting books into libraries, that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?
See how that works?
It was the "millions" that were in question, not the books.
2024-10-05 21:06:57 UTC
On Fri, 4 Oct 2024 23:01:49 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I was asking how many millions were spent on getting Bibles put in libraries vs. the millions spent on others.
Other WHAT, Pussey?
Post by Alan
Why do you now have to dodge so hard?
These HURT!

Loading Image...

Why do you have to harp so hard on shit that's not the topic?

What exactly are you looking for?

You telegraph your "gotchas" a million miles away.

"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates MILLIONS to put a Bible in every school"

As opposed to the MILLIONS that were spent putting books into libraries, that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you
know... the books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

What part of that do you not get, and what does it matter which books you want me to list? You know the list... because
YOU are a faggot.

LOL... no gotchas for the faggot today.


White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4%
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 -
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News
2024-10-06 01:26:51 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Fri, 4 Oct 2024 23:01:49 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I was asking how many millions were spent on getting Bibles put in libraries vs. the millions spent on others.
Other WHAT, Pussey?
So what you claim you now meant in your last sentence was:

"I was asking how many millions were spent on getting Bibles put in
libraries vs. the millions spent on other millions"

Do understand you correctly?

2024-10-05 21:07:04 UTC
On Fri, 4 Oct 2024 23:01:49 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 19:18:08 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Nope... it was a question asked. No "claim" made.
A question can contain an implicit claim, Pussey.
Yes, "A" question.
Not mine.
I was asking how many millions were spent on getting Bibles put in libraries vs. the millions spent on others.
Other WHAT, Pussey?
Why do you now have to dodge so hard?
Post by AlleyCat
"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates MILLIONS to put a Bible in every school"
How many MILLIONS were spent putting books into libraries, that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?
See how that works?
It was the "millions" that were in question, not the books.


Narcissists appear ridiculously stupid because of their bloated egos that cannot be surpassed by anything but

Imagine taking on a project of breaking down a wall using the best possible method. Non-narcissists would usually take
it step by step, use a strategy and come up with contingency plans, in case they fail the first time around.

With a narcissist however, they will not care about consequences as their main focus is to IMPRESS not to execute.
They'll wing it.

Narcissists automatically get into the mode of having to "convince" people for gratification of their low self-worth
that they are stronger, braver and more beautiful than the wall! Remember, I said convince, and not "prove".

Therefore, they will just keep hitting the wall (with WHATEVER resources they have) and keep doing so until it does
break; (usually not in the way intended) thereby destroying themselves and everything else around them.

And, by the time they are done, (which would eventually take a very long time), everybody would have forgotten what the
original project was about, but the narcissist would be elating at their victory - over nothing.

Stupid? Hmm... yes.
2024-10-02 02:59:10 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:43:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
'You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot
Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To
Give Equal Time! LOL'
Annnd you answered.



Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-02 17:38:42 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:43:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
'You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot
Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To
Give Equal Time! LOL'
Annnd you answered.
What of it?
2024-10-02 18:13:17 UTC
Post by Alan
What of it?
You ran from this.

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-02 02:59:11 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:43:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I didn't start this thread, you fucking idiot.
Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."
That may have been a thread started in some OTHER NEWSGROUP...

And yes, I included what Holman posted FIRST, so, if you knew how to use Usenet, you'd have figured it out, that it was
a reply and NOT what YOU thought was the "beginning" of the thread.

I can't help it if you don't subscribe to what I post to.


On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Alan
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school

Learn how Usenet works.
Post by Alan
...but I'm subscribed to CAN.POLITICS...

Subscribe to the Limbaugh group.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-02 17:39:31 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:43:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I didn't start this thread, you fucking idiot.
Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."
That may have been a thread started in some OTHER NEWSGROUP...
And yes, I included what Holman posted FIRST, so, if you knew how to use Usenet, you'd have figured it out, that it was
a reply and NOT what YOU thought was the "beginning" of the thread.
I can't help it if you don't subscribe to what I post to.
It was the beginning of a thread in can.politics, Pussey.

That's just a fact.

I can only reply to what you present HERE.
2024-10-02 18:13:37 UTC
Post by Alan
I can only reply to what you present HERE.
Not so far you haven't!

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:31 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:39:31 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I can't help it if you don't subscribe to what I post to.
It was the beginning of a thread in can.politics, Pussey.

It had quotes in it from Holman.

Learn to Usenet.

Because someone doesn't put the same groups in theirs, that I do mine, doesn't mean that all my replies are "firsts" in
a thread.

It's simple, dick-rider... you see this ( > ) in a post... that means it's a REPLY and NOT the "first" in the thread.

Again... you're simply making excuses for fucking up.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-03 17:16:38 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:39:31 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I can't help it if you don't subscribe to what I post to.
It was the beginning of a thread in can.politics, Pussey.
It had quotes in it from Holman.
Learn to Usenet.
Because someone doesn't put the same groups in theirs, that I do mine, doesn't mean that all my replies are "firsts" in
a thread.
Your reply is a first in a new thread in can.politics.
Post by AlleyCat
It's simple, dick-rider... you see this ( > ) in a post... that means it's a REPLY and NOT the "first" in the thread.
It may not have been first where the original thread was started.

It IS first here in can.politics.
2024-10-04 00:44:24 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:16:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:39:31 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I can't help it if you don't subscribe to what I post to.
It was the beginning of a thread in can.politics, Pussey.
It had quotes in it from Holman.
Learn to Usenet.
Because someone doesn't put the same groups in theirs, that I do mine, doesn't mean that all my replies are "firsts" in
a thread.
Your reply is a first in a new thread in can.politics.
Post by AlleyCat
It's simple, dick-rider... you see this ( > ) in a post... that means it's a REPLY and NOT the "first" in the thread.
It may not have been first where the original thread was started.
It IS first here in can.politics.
So, you now admit, that you saw the whole conversation.



Why Do People With Narcissistic Personality Disorder Play Games?

At times, it may appear that the goal of someone living with NPD is to get their needs met, which may involve other
people who consciously and unconsciously help them achieve that end, says Dena DiNardo, PhD, a clinical psychologist in
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

"These 'games' are strategic manipulations," she adds. "Often, they're completely unconscious. People having trouble
with this level of narcissism are usually in such deep pain that their ability to empathetically connect with the pain
of others is low."

What games do people with narcissistic personality disorder play?

Those who live with NPD often HAVE LOW SELF-ESTEEM.

As a result, many games they play may revolve around maintaining a sense of control, so they don't have to be
confronted with the shame that they may feel inside.

This is why Ski Bunny can't post his own shit.

"People with narcissistic personality disorder tend to use strategies to gain power and control over the individual in
order to assert superiority and/or dominance over them," says Rahmah Albugami, a licensed professional counselor in
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. "In this way, they get their needs met TO BOOST THEIR EGOS, VALUE, AND SELF-ESTEEM."

Poor Ski Bunny. :-(

Some common games someone with narcissistic personality disorder might engage in include:

blame shifting
playing the victim

While these games may be common for someone with NPD, not everyone who plays them will have this condition or another
personality disorder.

How can you recognize when games are being played?

Becoming more familiar with these games may help you spot them in action and set appropriate personal boundaries.


Gaslighting refers to denying the truth of a situation as you saw or heard it, which can confuse your sense of reality.
They may be trying to avoid getting caught for something by turning it back around on you.

"One of the most common things to look out for are if you're constantly questioning yourself," says Albugami.


Having a fragile sense of self is not uncommon for someone with NPD.

If you call them out on their behaviors, it may create a narcissistic rage or injury. Rather than sit with the
difficult emotion and self-reflect, they may instead externalize the agony they feel in the form of revenge.
2024-10-01 01:36:37 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:17 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
There has been NO mention of ANY added books OR "agenda".
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'.
That is definitely mention books being added.
No, that's asking how many MILLIONS were spent.

I did NOT ask how many books were added OR put.

There you go again... focusing on bullshit that is NOT the topic, because you can't refute what *I'M* talking about.

Too bad weirdo... you can now talk to yourself about it.


Talk about the topic, creepy internet stalker.

Typical faggot liberal.

You just can't help yourself, can you. Forever the low-self-esteemed narcissist. HAS to have the last word, or he can't

If you don't reply to this, I'll tell you you are right about something, but not this, because you're not.

You can't stand to lose, so you go off the rails and talk about fucking grammar and semantics... HOW a sentence is
formed or what a word means, instead of discussing the topic.

Get back on topic or... well... you know.

Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
From: "Lee" <***@gmail.com>

Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 17:44:43 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:17 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
There has been NO mention of ANY added books OR "agenda".
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'.
That is definitely mention books being added.
No, that's asking how many MILLIONS were spent.
"spent putting books into libraries"
Post by AlleyCat
I did NOT ask how many books were added OR put.
"putting books into libraries"
2024-10-01 18:15:50 UTC
Post by Alan
"putting books into libraries"

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-01 19:03:19 UTC
Post by Alan
"putting books into libraries"
Putting facts before your cowardly nose:


Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-02 02:59:12 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:44:43 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I did NOT ask how many books were added OR put.
"putting books into libraries"
I did not ASK how many books were added OR put.

I was asking how many MILLIONS were spent vs. what was spent on Bibles.

I guess you know you're not right about the topic, which is money being spent to put Bibles in libraries.

This is the topic.

$6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
From: Mitchell Holman <***@aol.com>

Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28

Oklahoma's top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today's textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."

Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.


... and then...

How many MILLIONS were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

How many? (millions... not books)



Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-02 17:41:08 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:44:43 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I did NOT ask how many books were added OR put.
"putting books into libraries"
I did not ASK how many books were added OR put.
You literally did ask that:

'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books that had gay fuck faggot
boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?'

That is a question.

Where you ASKED about "putting books into libraries"
Post by AlleyCat
I was asking how many MILLIONS were spent vs. what was spent on Bibles.
on "putting books into libraries".
2024-10-02 18:14:02 UTC
And you literally ran from it!

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:33 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:41:08 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I did not ASK how many books were added OR put.
'How many millions were spent

THAT is the question.

"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions to put a Bible in every school"


"How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"

Anyone with half a brain can see I was comparing how many MILLIONS were spent, not how many books.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-03 17:17:49 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:41:08 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I did not ASK how many books were added OR put.
'How many millions were spent
THAT is the question.
"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions to put a Bible in every school"
"How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"
Anyone with half a brain can see I was comparing how many MILLIONS were spent, not how many books.
Spent "putting books".

So no books added means no millions spent.

So I'll ask again:

What books do you claim were put into libraries?
2024-10-04 00:44:27 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:17:49 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
What books do you claim were put into libraries?
I made no claim about books. I simply asked a question on how many millions were spent.

Millions, being the subject of the sentence(question).


Alan "Low-Self-Esteem" Baker... someone who always "THINKS" he knows everything ABOUT everything and has to
have the last word in ANY conversaton or argument. That's why he HAS to reply to EVERY article I post, or it
drives him crazy enough to not being able to sleep... since... you know... I'm just a big dumb jock and he's
a smart gay fuck.

He CAN'T let me win. He'd never sleep.

What is Low Self-Esteem?

Low self-esteem is when someone lacks confidence about who they are and what they can do. They often feel
incompetent, unloved, or inadequate. People who struggle with low self-esteem are consistently afraid about
making mistakes or letting other people down.

Having self-esteem issues can be detrimental to their health and negatively affect their personal and
professional relationships. There are many reasons why they may have low self-esteem - their genes, how and
where they grew up, and other life circumstances all play a role.

A major factor of low self-esteem, however, comes from their own mental state. Their inner voice, or the
thoughts in their head, can be constantly telling them that they are not good enough or worth anything, even
if there is evidence to the contrary. Negative thinking in general is linked to low self-worth and low self-

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

There are several signs that either they or someone they know may be struggling with low self-esteem. Those
signs of low self-esteem include:

Sensitivity to Criticism

If they have low self-esteem they may be extra sensitive to criticism, whether from others or themselves.
They see it only as reinforcing their flaws and confirming that they are incapable of doing anything right.

Social Withdrawal

Declining invitations to go to a party or meet up with friends, canceling scheduled plans last-minute, and
generally not wanting to be around others are signs of low self-esteem. They may not have any desire to hold
a conversation or talk about their life because it will only reinforce the depression and anxiety they are
already experiencing.


For someone with low self-esteem, lashing out or becoming aggressive towards others is a defense mechanism.
If they feel that they are about to be exposed or criticized, attacking whoever might criticize them can be a
sign of low self-esteem.

Excessive Preoccupation with Personal Problems

Consistently worrying about their own personal issues takes up a lot of time for someone with low self-
esteem. They may struggle to help or empathize with someone else's problems because they are too preoccupied
with their own.

Physical Symptoms

Low self-esteem has been shown to lead to mental and physical health issues like depression, anxiety, and
anorexia. It can also lead to unhealthy habits like smoking tobacco, alcohol abuse, or drug use.

Dealing with Low Self-Esteem

They can overcome low self-esteem with the right support, mindset, and change in behaviors. Start with these
steps to begin improving their self-esteem:

Identify Troubling Conditions and Situations

Take a moment to think about certain conditions and situations in their life that seem to always deflate
their self-esteem. It could be giving a work presentation, dealing with a difficult family member or friend,
or facing a life-changing event, like a job loss or a move.

Become Aware of their Thoughts and Beliefs

After they've identified the times in their life where they have felt low self-esteem, evaluate their
thoughts about they. How are they interpreting what happened? These thoughts could be either positive,
negative, or neutral. They can be based on facts or irrational and false ideas.

If they take a moment to notice what they are thinking, they can begin to understand whether or not their
reactions to what has happened are appropriate and useful.

Challenge Negative or Inaccurate Thoughts

It is important to ask themselves whether their thoughts are consistent with facts or logic. There could be
another explanation for a situation that is truer than their interpretation. Sometimes it is hard to break
from long-held beliefs that have become part of their reality. Understand that it can take time and patience
to overcome any negative preconceived notions toward their life that they've built up.

Adjust their mindset

They've been able to identify the times where they've felt a blow to their self-esteem. They've become self-
aware about how and why they have the thoughts and feelings towards those events. Now they can take a step
back and analyze those thoughts and emotions. them now have the power to change their thought patterns to
raise their self-esteem.

Remember to think and feel hopeful statements, focus on the positive aspects of all situations, and not be
afraid to relabel upsetting thoughts. And most importantly, don't hesitate to forgive yourself. No one is
perfect and everyone makes mistakes. It doesn't make them a bad person-it just makes them human.
2024-10-04 02:31:30 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 19:09:09 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:17:49 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
What books do you claim were put into libraries?
I made no claim about books. I simply asked a question on how many millions were spent.
Spent on what?
Post by AlleyCat
Millions, being the subject of the sentence(question).
Let's recast your question without any mention of books, shall we?
'How many millions were spent that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted...
you know... that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be
gay fuck faggots?'
LOL... whichever way you spin it, faggot... how many millions spent vs. the millions spent on trying to get Bibles in
the libraries of schools in Oklahoma was my question.

We all know narcissistic faggot nerds won't stop lying, so...


Yes, faggot... you're an Internet stalker, so I AM running away from you, but not my statement and question:

"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions to put a Bible in every school"


"How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"

Anyone with half a brain can see I was comparing how many MILLIONS were spent, not making a claim about ANY books.

How many millions were spent... not "how many books were out".

Keep lying and trying to save face.

It's boring and pathetic.

PLONK! (for emphasis)


White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4%
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 -
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News
2024-10-04 02:32:57 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 19:09:09 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:17:49 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
What books do you claim were put into libraries?
I made no claim about books. I simply asked a question on how many millions were spent.
Spent on what?
Post by AlleyCat
Millions, being the subject of the sentence(question).
Let's recast your question without any mention of books, shall we?
'How many millions were spent that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted...
you know... that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be
gay fuck faggots?'
LOL... whichever way you spin it, faggot... how many millions spent vs. the millions spent on trying to get Bibles in
the libraries of schools in Oklahoma was my question.
We all know narcissistic faggot nerds won't stop lying, so...
"Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions to put a Bible in every school"
"How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"
Anyone with half a brain can see I was comparing how many MILLIONS were spent, not making a claim about ANY books.
Millions spent for WHAT, Pussey?
Post by AlleyCat
How many millions were spent... not "how many books were out".
What made up quote is that supposed to be?
Post by AlleyCat
Keep lying and trying to save face.
It's boring and pathetic.
PLONK! (for emphasis)
Poor little, snowflake!
2024-10-05 05:33:27 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 19:32:57 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Anyone with half a brain can see I was comparing how many MILLIONS were spent, not making a claim about ANY books.
Millions spent for WHAT, Pussey?
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
How many millions were spent... not "how many books were out".
What made up quote is that supposed to be?
LOL... missed the "P" and hit the "O".
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Keep lying and trying to save face.
It's boring and pathetic.
PLONK! (for emphasis)
Poor little, snowflake!
Yeah? I'm not the one who keeps arguing over words, instead of the topic, like a narcissistic pedantic little child...

... am I?


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-03 13:31:32 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:44:43 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
No, that's asking how many MILLIONS were spent.
"spent putting books into libraries"
How many millions is the question, is it not?

How many millions vs. what "Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions".
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
I did NOT ask how many books were added OR put.
"putting books into libraries"
Show us the question of how many books were added and NOT how many millions were spent.

Gonna pull a faggot Rudy and delete the pertinent words again, AS you've already done?

"How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"

Gahead... point to the quote where I ask "how many books were put."

Again... for the liars who believe other liars. Maybe you can help ski bunny lie some more.

"HOW MANY MILLIONS WERE SPENT putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the
books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?"

Anyone with a modicum of an understanding of sentence structure would know... the subject is millions, not books.

Last time: How many millions vs. what "Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions".


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 15:55:44 UTC
Post by Alan
I was the first reply to the thread you started, Pussey?
Let's talk about your running away from this massive lie you tendered on


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve = check!
2024-10-01 16:00:30 UTC
Post by Alan
On WHAT topic, Pussey?
Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve = check!
2024-09-29 20:41:49 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 18:37:55 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
Where the fuck do you GET this shit?

Do you see dead people, too?... because you DAMN sure don't see the words "added" in ANY of MY posts in this thread.

Wanna see?



Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-09-29 21:03:47 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 18:37:55 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
Where the fuck do you GET this shit?
Do you see dead people, too?... because you DAMN sure don't see the words "added" in ANY of MY posts in this thread.
Wanna see?
You really think you're clever, don't you, Pussey?

You said:

"How many millions were spent putting books"

"putting books" means those books were ADDED.
2024-09-30 03:25:57 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 14:03:47 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 18:37:55 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Because the implication is that books have been added to serve a
particular agenda?
Where the fuck do you GET this shit?
Do you see dead people, too?... because you DAMN sure don't see the words "added" in ANY of MY posts in this thread.
Wanna see?
You really think you're clever, don't you, Pussey?
"How many millions were spent putting books"
"putting books" means those books were ADDED.

You get a:


... for grammar.

But, WHAT "putting" books isn't the topic, is it?


Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools

Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."

If books on the topic I mentioned can be in the library, then the Bible can too.

The topic is "Bibles in the libraries" and I countered with, "How many millions were spent putting books into libraries
that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to
be gay fuck faggots? Now, you have to give equal time! LOL How many?"

No agenda... no faggot childish games... just sports.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 01:36:36 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:48 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
But, WHAT "putting" books isn't the topic, is it?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'

That's not the topic, you stupid fuck.

Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
From: "Lee" <***@gmail.com>

Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."

God DAMN, you're an idiot.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 17:46:26 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:48 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
But, WHAT "putting" books isn't the topic, is it?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'
That's not the topic, you stupid fuck.
The subject you wrote was:

'You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot
Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To
Give Equal Time! LOL'

When you added can.politics to the list of newsgroups.
Post by AlleyCat
Subject: $6 Million To Put Bibles In Schools
Oklahoma's top elected education official said Thursday he is very close to his goal of placing a Bible in "every
school" in the Sooner State to both combat "woke" curricula in today's textbooks and ensure students have access to an
incredible "historical document."
God DAMN, you're an idiot.
I never saw any of that, Pussey.
2024-10-01 18:17:09 UTC

Let's talk now about your petty cowardly act of running away from this
aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-02 02:59:15 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:46:26 -0700, Alan says...
I never saw any of that...
Learn how to Usenet.

If what I post has quotes ( > ), research... research... research!

... and...


If you see THIS in a post...

On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
... it's a REPLY and needs to be treated as such.

IOW... what *I* wrote was a REPLY on the topic.

My post had all the pertinent information in it to TELL you it was a reply and not the first post in the thread.

You knew this, so your bullshit childish game continues.

My entire post to Holman, WITH included quotes:


Subject: You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay
Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To Give Equal Time! LOL
From: AlleyCat <***@gmail.com>

Message-ID: <***@news.eternal-september.org>

On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

How many?


If you mistook that for the first post in the thread, that's your failure... faggot-1.

The game is afoot.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-02 17:43:45 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:46:26 -0700, Alan says...
I never saw any of that...
Learn how to Usenet.
If what I post has quotes ( > ), research... research... research!
It's not my job to do your research.

You changed the subject (literally changed the subject of your post) and
added a newsgroup.

I replied to what you changed the subject TO:

'ow many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck
Post by AlleyCat
... and...
If you see THIS in a post...
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
... it's a REPLY and needs to be treated as such.
IOW... what *I* wrote was a REPLY on the topic.
I did treat it as a reply.

I address the point YOU raised, and asked you "what books?".

And then you started running...

...like the pussy you are.
2024-10-02 18:14:24 UTC
No, you're still ducking this.

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:36 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:43:45 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:46:26 -0700, Alan says...
I never saw any of that...
Learn how to Usenet.
If what I post has quotes ( > ), research... research... research!
It's not my job to do your research.
Who said it was, and who said to research "for me"? I DO my research, whereas you pretend not to, but do, and only say
you don't, because you can't refute me.
Post by Alan
You changed the subject (literally changed the subject of your post) and
added a newsgroup.
Doesn't matter.

It still had quotes in it, letting ANYONE with half a brain, know that it is, indeed, a REPLY.
That's your fault, stupid. Did you read ONLY the subject and then decide to reply, of did you read the whole post and
SEE that I was replying to Holman?

Ignorance is bliss, ain't it?
Post by Alan
'ow many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck
Post by AlleyCat
... and...
If you see THIS in a post...
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
... it's a REPLY and needs to be treated as such.
IOW... what *I* wrote was a REPLY on the topic.
I did treat it as a reply.
I address the point YOU raised, and asked you "what books?".
I asked NOTHING about "what books?"

I asked how many millions were spent.


Adult Learning: English As A Second Language - Ontario.Ca


519-756-6301 ext. 274224. Greater Essex County District School Board (Leamington) Employment Assessment Centre. 215
Talbot Street East, Leamington, ON N8H 3X5. 519-253-2724. Greater Essex County District School Board (Chatham) Adult
Language and Learning. 240 King St. W., Chatham,

Post by Alan
And then you started running...
...like the pussy you are.
I DO run from weirdo Internet stalkers, but mostly liars, because once a liberal lies, he lies till the end, so I'm
cutting my wins.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 15:55:31 UTC
Let's talk about your running away from this massive lie you tendered on


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:28 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:02:48 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
But, WHAT "putting" books isn't the topic, is it?
'How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck
faggot liberals wanted'
That's a fucking question I asked IN an article, you stupid fuck. It wasn't even part of the Subject line.

HERE it is, moron.

This is MY reply TO Holman:


Subject: You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay
Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To Give Equal Time! LOL

On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Alan
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

How many?


Now, if you want to say "equal time" is the topic, go right ahead, but "How many millions were spent putting books into
libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted?", is NOT in the subject line, NOR is it the topic, you fucking idiot.

Damn... now EVERYONE is laughing at your stupid ass.

Even your fella [giggle] gays on the left.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-09-30 03:25:58 UTC
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 14:03:47 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
You really think you're clever, don't you, Pussey?
No, just smarter than you.

"Smarter" means I am more CLEVER.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-09-30 22:03:03 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 14:03:47 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
You really think you're clever, don't you, Pussey?
No, just smarter than you.
"Smarter" means I am more CLEVER.

2024-10-01 01:36:35 UTC
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:03:03 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 14:03:47 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
You really think you're clever, don't you, Pussey?
No, just smarter than you.
"Smarter" means I am more CLEVER.
Awww... did I hurt your wittle feewings?


Narcissist. (see below)

Give us your best clever remark... ON topic.

(what I said, was a joke... YOU took it seriously, showing us exactly how much of a narcissist you really are)



You probably spend a small amount of time feeling sorry for Alan, but elated when this undeserved narcissist starts
spouting his self-thinking superior intellect.

Have you ever wondered how to make a Alan, the narcissist, miserable and what makes him afraid or triggered? (maybe for
a second... then it's gone)

Just for the record, trying to make Alan, the narcissist, miserable might have its place for a short period of time,
but I don't recommend focusing on it for too long as this will inevitably get old.

But, if you need a quik fix, let's get into the top things all narcissists, like Alan, hate.

How to Make Alan, the narcissist, Miserable

Lack Of Acknowledgment: (filter on ignore)

Even though he KNOWS he's being ignored, he continues to reply, as if ANYONE really cares, other than himself. THAT is

It's no secret that most narcissists, like Alan, revel in admiration and validation (except for 'closet narcissists',
like Alan). Alan depends on constant approval to maintain his sense of intrinsic worth. To achieve this goal, he TRIES
to absorb (or steal) the energy of other people.

"Prove it."

Do you ever wonder why narcissists, like Alan, don't seem to mind the negative attention? It's because negative
attention also fuels his narcissistic fire.

ANY attention, even NEGATIVE attention, IS STILL ATTENTION, and any form of attention gives him the incentive to keep
going. It gives him the motivation to keep proving himself (by making others prove THEMSELVES.

In fact, he often likes negative attention better, because if you're still amused by his emotional crimes, he can try
to exploit this.

Therefore, a lack of acknowledgment is the real threat. To Alan, the narcissist, indifference is even more of an issue
than hatred. Alan's rather you have a negative opinion than have no opinion at all.

(sick fuck)

Narcissists, like Alan, can't stand it when no one is paying attention to him. Alan doesn't know how to feel important
or special if he isn't the center of the universe or consuming someone's thoughts. This is also why the traditional
Grey Rock method is often pointless and why complete avoidance is the best route (or extreme modified contact... just
ignore the sick fuck).

When People Speak Factually:

Have you ever paid close attention to how Alan, the narcissist, speaks? He ALWAYS trying to belittle those he THINKS
are below his station.

Additionally, through the use of cognitive empathy, he's spent his entire life observing the emotional language of
other people, ESPECIALLY RUSSIAN SPORTS OFFICIALS and using it to his advantage. So, when you speak in facts instead of
using emotion, he intuitively understands he has less of an upper hand.

Therefore, he hates it when someone challenges him with facts instead of emotion. Alan will usually retaliate with more
arguing or hysteria. PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT!

This childish response simply shows that he feel out-of-control. Alan's attempt to elevate the conversation's intensity
by throwing an emotional temper tantrum. PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE IT! PROVE

If anything, this dynamic only highlights the narcissist's immaturity. His inability to absorb facts demonstrates his
incompetence in approaching most adult interactions.


Narcissists, like Alan, detest authority. That's because he resents having to answer to anybody but himself (mommy
orders him around, further compounding his anger).

"Ski lifts are closed... too much snow." Bu bu but snow is just a thing of the past, Alan says, even though we're
seeing snow levels we saw in the 70s, when CO² was MUCH lower.

Any sense of authority threatens his inherent desire for power and control. "You can't ski here, bunny."

While narcissists, like Alan, can be intelligent, he often come across as combative and unfit in professional
environments. If confronted by his inappropriate behavior, he tends to deny or rationalize his part. PROVE IT! PROVE

Of course, it's no surprise that most authority figures dislike working with narcissists, like Alan. Supervisors (LOL)
find him unruly and unreasonable.

Alan can't understand why the person can't follow basic directions without such volatile reactions.

Being Told No:

Of all things, Alan, the narcissist, hates being told no (and actually following through with it) tops the list.
Narcissists, like Alan, are used to manipulating and weaseling his way into getting what he wants.

Often, he'll pull all the stops to accomplish this task. He's spent his whole life charming people to meet his needs.

That's why telling him no, and being adamant on your stance, often causes such an angry reaction. Alan, the narcissist,
isn't just upset about the denial - he's downright confused by it!

Narcissists, like Alan, can't actually fathom why someone would refuse him. Because he lacks real empathy, he can't
understand what must be going on in your mind. Moreover, even if he tries to comprehend it, he refuses to accept this

Implementing Consequences:

Have you ever tried to set a boundary with Alan, the narcissist,? How well did it go? Most likely, you tried to
implement a limit, and he reacted in one of three ways:

Dismissing you altogether and gas-lighting your feelings, acknowledging his mistake (LOL), and then doing nothing to

Narcissists, like Alan, can't accept any real consequences. Alan can't see when he's wrong, and he can't understand how
someone would ever think he's wrong. And even if the narcissist understood this, he simply wouldn't care. As a result,
he tends to react disproportionately to boundaries and serious conversations as a means to intimidate you and force you
into compliance.

Unfortunately, many people simply give up on trying to implement consequences with narcissists, like Alan.

(filters set to ignorte)

Losing At Anything:

Narcissists, like Alan, can resemble toddlers, in that he tend to be extremely sore losers. Alan struggles to accept
losing, and he also tends to lash out when it happens. A few scenarios may occur:

Alan repeatedly proclaims a person on Usenet is incompetent. Alan's attempt to defame or humiliate the winner. Alan
pretends he didn't care about winning. Alan insists that he "let the other person" take the spotlight. Alan refuses to
accept that he lost and awkwardly acts as if he's the actual winner.

Public Humiliation:

Because narcissists, like Alan, are sore losers, he can't handle real or perceived public humiliation. Alan just can't
tolerate the threat of failure. To him, public humiliation is the ultimate form of defeat.

(and THAT'S why he HAS to be the last poster in a thread, if he has felt that he's been slighted, in the least)

We all know that narcissists, like Alan, have incredibly fragile egos. When he believes someone is making fun of him or
if he's not the perceived expert or authority in a public setting, it jolts his existence. As a result, he'll do
anything to protect his fragile ego. Some common responses include:

Laughing it off in public only to lash out later

Making up lies about anyone who is a real expert. ("Dr. Ian Clark is not a REAL climatologist!!!")

Expectations of Commitment

Most narcissists, like Alan, are terrible with commitment. Although he believes he deserves all senses of loyalty, he
doesn't usually provide it himself. As a result, when he gets into relationships (mommy only), he doesn't consider her
needs. He's only accounting for his own emotions, impulses, and desires.

Unfortunately, his mother holds onto wistful hope about her narcissist changing. She listens to how the narcissist
praises and adores her. She holds onto fleeting promises that this time will be different.

Yet, Alan, the narcissist makes all the rules. Alan decides what he wants to do, and he does it when he wants to do it.
Therefore, he can break and change the rules in ways that suits him.

Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it! Prove it!

99% of Other People:

How many friends does your narcissist have? Probably very few (more like NONE). Usually, his only friends are other
people who validate his narcissism, like mommy.

Subsequently, how often do you hear Alan complain about other people? (ALL THE TIME) More times than you can count,
probably! That's because a single wrongdoing often results in lifetime resentment. One mistake tarnishes an entire

Narcissists, like Alan, struggle to get along with anyone who doesn't fit into his falsified worldview. Alan can't
stand to be challenged. Alan can't tolerate the ideas that other people may know more than him.

If he's a cerebral narcissist, he is convinced that he is unique and should only associate with other special or high-
status individuals. In fact, when confronted with anything that contradicts his sense of god-like stature, you can bet
that his reaction will be explosive and malicious.

Therefore, narcissists, like Alan, can't tolerate people who actually live in reality. That's why you rarely see people
with strong boundaries tolerating narcissists, like Alan, for very long.

When You Change The Status Quo:

Narcissists, like Alan, hate change when it's out of his control. When you challenge Alan, the narcissist, he remains
in a defeating pattern full of resentment and frustration, lashing out to make himself feel dominate.

Prove it!

I did.
2024-10-01 17:49:32 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Mon, 30 Sep 2024 15:03:03 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Sun, 29 Sep 2024 14:03:47 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
You really think you're clever, don't you, Pussey?
No, just smarter than you.
"Smarter" means I am more CLEVER.
Awww... did I hurt your wittle feewings?
You lack the power to do that, Pussey.

Post by AlleyCat
Narcissist. (see below)
Give us your best clever remark... ON topic.
(what I said, was a joke... YOU took it seriously, showing us exactly how much of a narcissist you really are)
2024-10-01 18:17:49 UTC
Post by Alan
You lack the power to do that, Pussey.

Let's talk now about your cowardly act of running away from this lie
you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-02 02:59:14 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:49:32 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
"Smarter" means I am more CLEVER.
Awww... did I hurt your wittle feewings?
You lack the power to do that, Pussey.
And yet you replied with condescension, so I obviously hit a nerve.

You could have let it go, but noooo... you had to be all smarmy, letting others, who bother to read our bullshit, know,
that YOU are the smartest Canadian faggot nerd in this and all the other groups you frequent.


You can't win and get away from it.

You are a narcissistic little weirdo.

And, obviously, I'm not the only one who thinks so.


Yikes. He's spent the last 48 hours researching me.

They should make internet stalking illegal, I think Alan Baker has had
practice researching the little kiddies he likes to molest.

Anyone thinking of hiring this internet stalker Alan Baker from Vancouver,
BC should certainly give him a psych eval. As according to this website
people that

stalk others on the internet more times than not leads to pedophilia. Alan
Baker is obviously bordering on or has become a child predator.


Yikes. If something happens to me please make sure the local, and Canadian
police no that I was being stalked online by Alan Baker, A Macintosh bench
tech from Vancouver, BC.

Please post this every newsgroup so your children know to avoid him and thus
remove themselves from danger.


Do your parents know you harass elderly people at 1am and threaten to kill
them on the phone?
Seriously get over your obsession with me. Find a hobby and quit spending
day and night worrrying, stalking, and threatening my family.
Keep bothering my family and you'll have another restraining order against


They actually turned their phone off because of you. Good job psycho. You
have problems.

Since you can't help but obsess over me just go back to reading every post
in every motorcycle forum I've made, every post in every jeep forum, every
post in the 300c forums. That should keep you busy enought to quit bother my
family you nutjob. Don't you have some Macs to fix in the morning? Go to
bed and quit harassing my family.


First. I didn't own a Mac.
Whoops there's a receipt with my name on it.
Then I didn't own a motorcycle....
Whoops there's me in every cycle forum with pics of me taking several bikes
Then I live in my grandparents house....
whoops it's an over 55 community and that's impossible.
Now, you know the habits of rich people all over the world and our defining
what "mega-rich" is.

Like I said, read more of my other forum posts.... stalker.

So why'd the phone calls to my grandparents stop. Did you finally grow a
conscience? Reach the maturity level of a 8th grader? Don't want to anymore
restraining orders?


2024-10-02 17:44:01 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:49:32 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
"Smarter" means I am more CLEVER.
Awww... did I hurt your wittle feewings?
You lack the power to do that, Pussey.
And yet you replied with condescension, so I obviously hit a nerve.
2024-10-02 18:14:53 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
I obviously hit a nerve.
Your cowardice is "funny".

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:34 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:44:01 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
And yet you replied with condescension, so I obviously hit a nerve.
AND you confirmed it by not replying.



Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-03 17:18:36 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:44:01 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
And yet you replied with condescension, so I obviously hit a nerve.
AND you confirmed it by not replying.
And you confirmed your rage by that reply, Pussey!

2024-10-04 00:44:25 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:18:36 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:44:01 -0700, Alan says...
Post by AlleyCat
And yet you replied with condescension, so I obviously hit a nerve.
AND you confirmed it by not replying.
And you confirmed your rage by that reply, Pussey!

Keep reaching... for that dick.

If I'm raging, why do I have a HUGE ear to ear smile on my face right now?

Because YOU are showing us your desperation to be right, even though you're wrong.

THAT'S what narcissistic children DO!


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 15:55:18 UTC
Post by Alan
Let's talk about your running away from this massive lie you tendered on


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve = check!
2024-10-01 15:59:52 UTC
Post by Alan
"How many millions were spent putting books"
Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve = check!
2024-10-01 16:01:37 UTC
Post by Alan
Are you really this thick?

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-01 01:36:44 UTC
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Subject: Re: Playing Stupid Games Is How Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Act Like Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump, alt.politics.liberalism, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
The gay faggot homosexual books aren't the topic.

That would be the Bible.

There you go again... focusing on bullshit that is NOT the topic, because you can't refute that. Too bad weirdo... you
can talk to yourself about that.

Talk about the topic, creepy internet stalker.

Typical faggot liberal.

You just can't help yourself, can you. Forever the low-self-esteemed narcissist. HAS to have the last word, or he can't

If you don't reply to this, I'll tell you you are right about something, but not this, because you're not.

You can't stand to lose, so you go off the rails and talk about fucking grammar and semantics... HOW a sentence is
formed or what a word means, instead of discussing the topic.

Get back on topic or... well... you know.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-01 17:50:05 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700, Alan says...
Subject: Re: Playing Stupid Games Is How Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Act Like Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals
Newsgroups: alt.politics.trump, alt.politics.liberalism, alt.politics.democrats, alt.politics.usa.republican, alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, can.politics
User-Agent: Mozilla Thunderbird
Organization: A noiseless patient Spider
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 16:07:46 -0700
Post by AlleyCat
On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 12:15:38 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Books like what?
The gay faggot homosexual books aren't the topic.
That would be the Bible.
They're not the topic of the thread you started in can.politics.
2024-10-01 18:18:46 UTC
Post by Alan
They're not the topic of the thread you started in can.politics.
Nor is this, but it follows you around regardless.


Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!

2024-10-02 02:59:17 UTC
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:50:05 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
That would be the Bible.
They're not the topic of the thread you started in can.politics.
The "thread" I didn't start in can.politics, was a reply, and you know it, since it had quotes from Holman. So fuck off
with your bullshit childish faggot games.


Subject: You Gay Fuck Faggot Liberals Wanted Books Which Had Gay Fuck Faggot Boys Teaching Each Other How To Be Gay
Fuck Faggots... Now, You Have To Give Equal Time! LOL

Message-ID: <***@news.eternal-september.org>

On Sat, 28 Sep 2024 14:54:19 +0000, Mitchell Holman says...
Post by Alan
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
How many millions were spent putting books into libraries that gay fuck faggot liberals wanted... you know... the books
that had gay fuck faggot boys teaching each other how to be gay fuck faggots?

Now, you have to give equal time! LOL

How many?


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-02 17:44:42 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Tue, 1 Oct 2024 10:50:05 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
That would be the Bible.
They're not the topic of the thread you started in can.politics.
The "thread" I didn't start in can.politics, was a reply, and you know it, since it had quotes from Holman. So fuck off
with your bullshit childish faggot games.
YOU added can.politics to a post you made.

That STARTS a thread in can.politics.
2024-10-02 18:15:16 UTC
Post by Alan
YOU added can.politics to a post you made.
You ran from a lie you made.

Let's talk now about your craven cowardly act of running away from this
massive aquatic lie you repeatedly tendered on Trump:


"Last fall, Trump signed a memorandum directing federal agencies to
review and roll back environmental standards slowing down the flow of
water to farms in the Central Valley. In February this year, the
president nominated David Bernhardt to serve as his interior secretary.

...turning down the pumps isn’t quite as easy as shutting off a faucet.
The multi-story state and federal pumping plants operate in tandem and
are powerful enough to make rivers flow backward.

If the delta smelt go, California may be able to pump some more."


"To move water around, over 1,400 dams and miles of aqueducts have been
constructed. A tidal wetland-turned-agricultural land, the Sacramento –
San Joaquin Delta is the center of California’s water distribution
system. About half of California’s developed water moves through the
delta via two pumping plants: Central Valley Project (CVP) and the State
Water Project."


"The Central Valley Project (CVP) is a federal power and water
management project in the U.S. state of California under the supervision
of the United States Bureau of Reclamation (USBR). It was devised in
1933 in order to provide irrigation and municipal water to much of
California's Central Valley—by regulating and storing water in
reservoirs in the northern half of the state (once considered water-rich
but suffering water-scarce conditions more than half the year in most
years), and transporting it to the water-poor San Joaquin Valley and its
surroundings by means of a series of canals, aqueducts and pump plants,
some shared with the California State Water Project (SWP). Many CVP
water users are represented by the Central Valley Project Water Association.

Two large reservoirs, Shasta Lake and Trinity Lake, are formed by a pair
of dams in the mountains north of the Sacramento Valley. Water from
Shasta Lake flows into the Sacramento River which flows to the
Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and water from Trinity Lake flows into the
Trinity River which leads to the Pacific Ocean. Both lakes release water
at controlled rates. There, before it can flow on to San Francisco Bay
and the Pacific Ocean, some of the water is intercepted by a diversion
channel and transported to the Delta-Mendota Canal, which conveys water
southwards through the San Joaquin Valley, supplying water to San Luis
Reservoir (a SWP-shared facility) and the San Joaquin River at Mendota
Pool in the process, eventually reaching canals that irrigates farms in
the valley. Friant Dam crosses the San Joaquin River upstream of Mendota
Pool, diverting its water southwards into canals that travel into the
Tulare Lake area of the San Joaquin Valley, as far south as the Kern
River. Finally, New Melones Lake, a separate facility, stores water flow
of a San Joaquin River tributary for use during dry periods. Other
smaller, independent facilities exist to provide water to local
irrigation districts"



Big old shutoff valve seen = check!
2024-10-03 13:31:37 UTC
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:44:42 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
That STARTS a thread in can.politics.


Subscribe to the groups I post to, moron, and you won't fuck anything up, like you did this time. I take that back...
you're a failure machine.


Why Alan Is Alan

There are many similarities between the way Alan the narcissist thinks and processes things and the way children do. In
fact, in many ways, these processes are virtually identical. This is because Alan the narcissist has arrested emotional

The emotional maturation that most children go through did not occur within Alan, for whatever reason. Often, this
reason is abuse or neglect during childhood.

These things caused Alan to focus intensely on himself, to the exclusion of all other things. It also results in the
mind being taken up with trying to defend itself from his abuse.

Alan's mind is, in a sense, always playing catch up, and because of the trauma that he has experienced, some things are
skipped, so to speak, or don't happen.

(see Alan's separation from reality)

His mind becomes locked in a pattern of defensive reaction and emotional perception, made up of many different but
related facets, that matures extremely slowly and is extrordinarily resistant to change. We call this reaction/defense
pattern malignant narcissism.

In children, these things are normal. In Alan, they are evidence of a disorder.

Young children and babies are not capable of understanding the emotions or needs of others. They only know want and
need. They have no way of taking care of their own needs, and they can only scream for someone to do it for them. When
Alan's mother was exhausted and deathly ill with a fever and vomiting, and she'd been up for three days, and she simply
could not cope anymore, does Alan sympathize accordingly? Does Alan stop crying?

No. Alan does not recognize this. Alan does not care. Alan can NOT care. He can only keep screaming out his needs,
regardless of his mother's suffering.

This is, in essence, what you are dealing with when it comes to Alan the narcissist. He does not recognize, understand
or consider other people's needs.

He sees only his own, and his inability to meet them. The more damaged Alan is, the more narcissistic he will be, the
more immature he will be and the more childish his way of thinking.

And this is not childish as in, silly. This is immature as in, the emotional maturity and understanding of a toddler.

For example, besides the hysterical tantrum behavior we see in Alan that is very clearly on par with a very young
child's, Alan the narcissist generally believes he is immune to the things that happen to "regular" people.

This is an example of something called magical thinking which is a phenomenon we commonly see in very young children.
Alan sees feelings as facts, the way that children do. Alan the narcissist sees everything in the world as an extension
of himself, the way that children do and Alan the narcissist truly believes in his own perceived omnipresence and
immortality as children do.

He has always been, he will always be.

So children believe... so Alan the narcissist believes.

The view that he is just another person that must fit into a wider world does not occur to young children.

How could it? Rather, Alan functions under the assumption that the world fits around HIM, and that everything he
experiences or encounters is related to him in some form.

This is the same way Alan see things. He has never matured past this extremely immature way of looking at things. The
idea that the world does not revolve around them never occurs to children, as it does not occur to Alan.

For example, children view their parents as only having to do with them and connected only to them, rather than as
separate people with their own lives, needs, wants, feelings, etc. Parents are very one dimensional to young children;
despite the fact that children are only one part of the parent's life, the child does not see this nor understand it in
any way.

To a child, parents only exist as their caretakers. It is the only context children view parents in and the only
context they can understand. This is identical to how Alan the narcissist views all other people: outside of the
narcissist and the narcissist's needs, these people do not exist.

As children mature, they learn that this viewpoint is not true; they learn to see and appreciate their parents as
individuals that are separate from themselves. Alan does not.

The development of Alan is so arrested that this, coupled with such extreme self-focus means he is never able to
separate himself as an authentic individual from the external world.

Because of this, Alan often feels acted upon by the world and other people or circumstances, rather than as people who
act in the world.

In Alan's view, he does not act, but rather react to the things that are being done to him. It's as if he never outgrew
the idea of himself as a powerless child, unable to take control or ownership of his own life.

He behaves as though other people are still responsible for his emotions, the way that parents are responsible for a
small child. He seems unable to own his choices or even to recognize that things are choices. And this is also like a

Alan the narcissist is generally impulsive, irrational and extremely immature. He is careless, irresponsible and
foolhardy. He doesn't seem able to consider consequences or think about things before he does them, just like a child.

When pressed for an answer as to why he's done something, Alan may seem just as mystified as everyone else. "I don't
know" is a very common answer. It may be the truth. He seems to possess very little insight as to why he does things,
simply reacting on impulse as we see children do.

Like a child, Alan often feels helpless in a world of more powerful, more competent, more knowledgeable adults.

However, this is also an excuse. It's easier to be a helpless victim. If you are a victim, you can never be blamed. If
you are helpless, you can never be forced to take responsibility.

Children are not blamed for not controlling themselves or for their choices. Alan doesn't seem to feel he should be
either. He doesn't seem to understand the difference between a child and an adult, and he will often say things to that
effect. These are mostly things that no self-respecting mature adult would ever say.


He may compare himself to a child, compete with the children, or complain that his spouse (LOL) holds "double
standards" because the kids are allowed to get away with things that they are called out for. Alan doesn't seem to
realize that adults and children are held to different standards, or why this should be.

For example, the narcissist must be asked repeatedly every single night to bring their plate into the kitchen, or throw
their clothing in the hamper rather than leaving these things on the ground. Instead of simply doing it, the narcissist
responds that little Johnny never does it either but he doesn't get yelled at. Little Johnny is seven. The narcissist
is 40 and is one of Little Johnny's parents.

The discrepancy here is obvious; this is the type of response you would receive from a child that does not want to do
his chores, not an adult. To the narcissist, this is a clear example of favoritism and being attacked for who they are.
It does not seem to enter Alan's mind that there is a very large difference between a 7-year-old and a 40-year-old.
Regardless of whether or not he actually feels this way, the childishness and absurdity of his argument is really
unbelievable-almost shocking in it's ignorance. There is not only the complete refusal to behave as an adult, there is
an inability to even understand why this would be expected.

The truth is, underneath of all of the horrible things Alan does, the narcissist is still that 5-year-old child
pretending he is somebody else to escape an abusive situation that ended years ago. When all of Alan's reasoning is
examined, when all of Alan's behavior is scrutinized and looked at through the lens of perspective rather than pain,
this is what we are left with: a person with the emotional maturity of a toddler who cannot understand why they are
expected to behave otherwise and who is trying desperately to pretend they are somebody else.

All of Alan's attention seeking, all of Alan's manipulations, all of Alan's gas lighting, all of Alan's smear
campaigns, all of Alan's abuse, all of the hurtful things he does, when seen for what they really are, these things are
nothing but childish behaviors that have been perpetrated by an adult.

Every single one of these things is seen in children. Gas-lighting is a 3 year old with chocolate all over his face who
is hiding the chocolate bar behind his back in plain view, saying "What chocolate, Mommy? I don't have chocolate."
Smear campaigns are a 6-year-old telling lies about a girl to all that girl's friends so they won't like her anymore.
Though these behaviors are sometimes seen as sophisticated schemes, they really aren't. They are the same childish and
petty things we all dealt with on the elementary school playground. They are just more confusing and therefore more
dangerous because they are coming from an adult.
2024-10-03 17:19:52 UTC
Post by AlleyCat
On Wed, 2 Oct 2024 10:44:42 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
That STARTS a thread in can.politics.
Subscribe to the groups I post to, moron, and you won't fuck anything up, like you did this time. I take that back...
you're a failure machine.
How about you not add threads to can.politics?

And how about when you do, I'll just respond to claims you make in those

2024-10-04 00:44:26 UTC
On Thu, 3 Oct 2024 10:19:52 -0700, Alan says...
Post by Alan
Post by AlleyCat
Subscribe to the groups I post to, moron, and you won't fuck anything up, like you did this time. I take that back...
you're a failure machine.
How about you not add threads to can.politics?
Hmmm... how about "no"?



... whether you reply at all... ever.


White Liberals More Likely To Have A Mental Health Condition


Apr 22, 2021 - Sixty-two percent of Whites who classify themselves as "very
liberal" or "liberal" have been told by a doctor they have a mental health
condition, as compared to 26% of conservatives and...


White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems... - Newsmax


The Pew Study, Which The Washington Free Beacon notes was published last year
but only gained attention in a recent article, showed that white liberals of
all ages were more likely to be diagnosed with a mental health condition than
moderates or conservatives, with the disparity particularly pronounced among
those aged 18-29, according to evie...


Study: Young White Liberals More Likely to Have Mental Health Problems


Apr 22, 2021 - When sex and age were factors, 56.3 percent of white women
between the ages of 18 and 29 and who labeled themselves as "liberal," said
they had been given a mental health diagnosis, compared to 27.3 percent of
conservatives in the same categories and 28.4 percent of moderates:


62% of "liberal" or very "liberal" whites have a mental health condition


According to a Pew Research Center survey, 62% percent of Whites who classify
themselves as "very liberal" or "liberal" has been told by a doctor they have a
mental health condition. Only 26% of conservatives and 20% of moderates have
been told they have such a condition, the study found.


Pew Study: White Liberals Disproportionately Suffer From Mental Illness...


White women, ages 18-29, who identified as liberal were given a mental health
diagnosis from medical professionals at a rate of 56.3%, as compared to 28.4%
in moderates and 27.3% in conservatives. Zach Goldberg, a Ph.D. candidate in
political science, consolidated the study's info in a set of visuals and posted
them to a thread on Twitter.

SCIENCE: White Libs More Likely To Have Mental Health Problems


Within this demographic, 34 percent of liberals reported having mental health
problems, compared with 22 percent of moderates and 16 percent of
conservatives. Zach Goldberg, the doctoral...


White Liberals Twice as Likely to be Diagnosed with Psychological Problems


Nearly 1 in 2 (45.9%) of white liberals have been diagnosed with mental health
disorders. White liberals of all ages are more than twice as likely as
conservatives of any age to suffer from mental health disorders. White liberals
are almost twice as likely as non-white liberals to be diagnosed with mental
health problems.


6 Reasons Why Liberalism IS A Mental Disorder (LOL) - The Political Insider


In 2005, Michael Savage famously wrote a book titled, Liberalism is a Mental
Disorder, the subject of which is self-explanatory. Additionally, Dr. Lyle
Rossiter, a board-certified clinical psychologist, wrote a book in which he
diagnosed the ideology of the left as a tangible mental illness.


Personality Traits, Mental Illness, and Ideology


specifically, surveys on the " big five " traits of extraversion,
agreeableness, conscientiousness, neuroticism, and openness to experience have
found that people identifying as politically...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health...


Study claims over 50% of liberal women under 30 have mental health issues, men
and women with liberal views more likely to be mentally unwell April 24, 2021 -
12:01 Gerard Clarke Irish News
Siri Cruise
2024-09-28 20:07:23 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28
Oklahoma’s top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today’s textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."
Send the students to motels for the night to pick up Gideon's.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed
Chris Ahlstrom
2024-09-28 20:46:11 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28
Oklahoma’s top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today’s textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."
Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.
Now the OK kiddies can read some of the horrific happenings described in the

Good luck teachers and parents, explaining that stuff.


The following article tells five tales of sin, horror, and vengeance found
in the Old Testament.

1. Noah’s Ark: The Wrath of God
2. Sodom and Gomorrah: Annihilating Two Cities
3. The Rape of Dinah: Lust & Massacre
4. The Prophet Elijah: Vanquishing the Unfaithful
5. The Levite and His Concubine: Abuse and Murder

Be sure to bring this up at your next church Bible class.
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it
every six months.
-- Oscar Wilde
Governor Swill
2024-09-29 10:00:13 UTC
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28
Oklahoma?s top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today?s textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."
Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.
Now the OK kiddies can read some of the horrific happenings described in the
Good luck teachers and parents, explaining that stuff.
The following article tells five tales of sin, horror, and vengeance found
in the Old Testament.
1. Noah’s Ark: The Wrath of God
The sequel, Noah Diddling His Son.
Post by Chris Ahlstrom
2. Sodom and Gomorrah: Annihilating Two Cities
3. The Rape of Dinah: Lust & Massacre
4. The Prophet Elijah: Vanquishing the Unfaithful
5. The Levite and His Concubine: Abuse and Murder
Be sure to bring this up at your next church Bible class.
Today's two reasons to not vote for Trump in 37 days.

19) Trump caused the longest government shutdown in US
history when he didn't get funding for his border wall,
which he said Mexico was going to pay for.

20) Trump increased the national debt by 40% in just four years.
2024-09-28 22:05:02 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Oklahoma schools chief dedicates millions
to put a Bible in every school
Sept 28
Oklahoma's top elected education official
said Thursday he is very close to his goal
of placing a Bible in "every school" in
the Sooner State to both combat "woke"
curricula in today's textbooks and ensure
students have access to an incredible
"historical document."
Walters said exclusively that his
department has now allocated $3 million
of its budget to the endeavor and
announced that he will be asking for an
additional $3 million in an upcoming
legislative appropriation to the Republican-
majority legislature to meet his goal.
But doesn't he know that the Bible says all Rightists must be killed by order
of the God and his son Jesus?