The Rudy Canoza Chickenshit Lameass Violence File
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2024-10-17 16:36:34 UTC

2024-10-17 18:00:22 UTC
Post by Rich
Bring Your Cock To the Jolly Kone!!!
It's The Central Valley's Fellatio Zone!
If You're On The Left or On The Right
I'll Suck Your Cock and I Won't Bite!
I'll Make You Cum and I'll Make you Moan!
Rudy Canoza Will Make Sure You Get Blown!
On Your Cock My Skills I'll Hone!
My Expertise Is Quite Well Known!
That Talent, You Know, Is Unconcealed!
I've Sucked Every Cock In Bakersfield!
Watch Me Work That Hardened Bone!
I'm Right On Top Of The Skull Fuck Throne!
Sing it, tRudy!
Klaus Schadenfreude
2024-10-17 21:53:58 UTC
Post by Rich
Oh come on!

Rudy has gone off the rails a LOT more than that!


The Impotent Canoza Violence File™
Over Sixty of Rudy's Hilarious Paper-Tigerisms
He's Feebly Squealed in Usenet
To The Amusement Of All

"You know I would demolish you in a fistfight."
-Rudy, in a final, desperate attempt to salvage his pride
after being pummeled senseless.
-Message-ID: <EfFpB.31818$***@fx44.iad>

"I'm a few years beyond retirement age"
-Rudy, 4/19/2020
Post by Rich
What's next- a fist fight challenge"
Sure, why not? Meet me at the Jolly Kone hamburger shack in
Bakersfield. I've dispatched a couple of other Usenet loudmouth fat
fucks in the parking lot there. I know the proprietor. If it appears
you've already suffered your stroke, I'll only use one hand to flatten
-Rudy, explaining his fantasy "fist-fight" victories.
-Message-ID: <U3SuB.25861$***@fx18.iad>

"You still haven't recovered from the ass-kicking I gave you at the
Jolly Kone, have you? <chuckle>"
-Rudy Canoza to doctor postalman, 11/18/2017, referring to
another imaginary "fist fight"
-Message-ID: <hr%PB.10409$***@fx41.iad>

"I tell you what. I'm about eight inches shorter than Shitbag [6' 2"]
Trump, and at least 80 pounds lighter, and I would *love* to take the
fat fuck on in a fistfight. He gets to pick the *public* venue and
the referee."
-5' 6" Rudy, declaring his wish to fist-fight the President
of the United States, by posting on Usenet.
Post by Rich
Trumpchev is such a vile bit of filth.
Why don't you challenge him to a fist fight?
I already have. It's legal, too. I even said he gets to pick the
referee and judges - not that they'll really have anything to do.
-A desperate Rudy, trying to claim his previous message was
where he "challenged President Trump to a fist fight."
-Message-ID: <bIc1C.305646$***@fx33.iad>

You are fit for someone to slam a fist into your florid fat face.
-Rudy, losing another argument.
-Message-ID: <kB73D.209647$***@fx27.iad>

I would gladly pay $2,000 for the privilege of beating your fucking
face to a pulp in person.
-Rudy, losing again
-Message-ID: <ire3D.198667$***@fx15.iad>

...kleine klauschen, a cunt whom I *have* beat up with my bare
- Rudy, dreaming
-Message-ID: <fewfF.255710$***@fx08.iad>

"Rudy Canoza beat the living fuck out of me in the parking lot at
Jolly Kone burgers."
-Rudy, with another pathetic, impotent forgery
-Message-ID: <Rr5nF.88475$***@fx33.iad>

"On 10/23/2019 3:02 PM, kleine klausche, a runt punk whom I have
flattened, ineptly forged"
- Another desperate fantasy from Rudy.:

"I'd like to see some political violence aimed at *you*, you rancid
-Rudy losing another argument.
-Message-ID: <KJC2F.238959$***@fx34.iad>

"I can kick your ass, and you know it. You're old, small, infirm and
weak - a fucking speck of dust."
-Another impotent boast from Usenet's Favorite Dwarf, Rudy
-Message-ID: <lXqlG.35799$***@fx07.iad>

"I'm bigger than you and I can kick your ass."
-Fire hydrant-sized Rudy, puffing his chest out as far as it
will go.
-Message-ID: <KhFlG.47294$***@fx04.iad>

Fuck off and die, and give me your fucking address so I can come help
you do it.
-Our favorite dwarf, Rudy Canoza, coming out from under the
couch to bark.
-Message-ID: <oIGlG.2165$***@fx24.iad>

No, you fucking lying midget whom I could flatten with *both* hands
tied behind my back
-Rudy Canoza, attempting to destroy everyone's irony meter by
calling someone else a "midget."
-Message-ID: <AcjoG.152881$***@fx46.iad>

Fuck you and fuck every Hartung, and I hope you're all beaten to
-Rudy losing another discussion
-Message-ID: <rf7116$16bu$***@neodome.net>

Read it and *weep*, Schild, you squat-to-piss fairy whom I can - and
*will* - strangle with my bare hands:
-Rudy, displaying his impotent rage and gynaphobia in one
Message-ID: <rgngn8$1fa3$***@neodome.net>

Your kind need to be marginalized, preferably exterminated.
-Rudy, wishing he wasn't impotent
-Message-ID: <vz%fH.342246$***@fx36.iad>

...if you're [sic] post your real name and address here, I'll gladly
come down and scatter your 73 brain cells in front of your nursing
-Rudy,fantasizing about having the upper body strength to
beat a senior citizen.
-Message-ID: <kMTvH.5377$***@fx14.iad>

"I'd have hauled you out back and shot you dead."
-Brave, brave Rudy, telling us what he would do to the
President if his White House Press Credentials were revoked.
-Message-ID: <s0v8v0$1v4e$***@neodome.net>

"You need to be shot dead."
-Rudy's usual response when someone out-argues him.
-Message-ID: <s0v8v0$1v4e$***@neodome.net>

I wish I knew where that shitbag cocksucker [Alan] Bond lives.
-Rudy wanting to suck off one of his Usenet opponents, apparently.
Message-ID: <s2ir4v$2ujc$***@neodome.net>

I'd have gotten a little longer sentence if I had ever got that close
to Trump, because in addition to slapping him in the face, I would
have kneed him in the groin as well. The fat fuck is still too
chickenshit to get into a fistfight with me.
-Rudy, wishing President Trump was aware of his existence, and that
he could bring his knee up that high.
Message-ID: <Nu7xI.46923$***@fx39.iad>

Why can't we have a mass annihilation of Trumpswabs?
-Little Rudy, confessing his wish to commit suicide.
Message-ID: <AQKyI.98089$5%***@fx13.iad>

The next time that neighbor attacks [Rand] Paul, I'm going to help
-Rudy, threatening a U.S. Senator
-Message-ID: <%nfKI.326861$***@fx12.ams1>

"I would really like to pump bullets into your head."
---Rudy as "Bill Flett" 1/22/18

"I can still kick your high-cholesterol hypertensive morbidly obese
-Rudy, still dreaming
-Message-ID: <WpjMI.981641$***@fx02.ams1>

"If I came around you and yours, Jack-Off Skeeter Shit-4-Braincell
Lamey Pig-Fucker, you'd be begging through tears for me to spare your
-Rudy, puffing out his sunken chest again
-Message-ID: <I7t2J.41909$***@fx04.iad>

"You need to be depopulated."
- Gruppenfuhrer Canoza
Message-ID: <Okl3J.120840$***@fx45.iad>

"I can't wait until you're strung up from a lamp post with barbed
-Rudy, waiting
Message-ID: <VF75J.44954$***@fx12.iad>

"I'm striking a blow for decency and Christian love. You need to be
-Father Rudy
-Message-ID: <Rts6J.138409$***@fx41.iad>

"Speaking for myself I'd dick slap you silly before I bent you over
and did a Deliverance dance in your
-Rudy, reliving his high school initiation
-Message-Id: <***@mix1.remailer.xyz>

"If you don't start to show that you understand that black lives
matter, you will be corrected up with a baseball bat."
-Rudy, bring a bat to a gun fight.
-Message-ID: <TDSjJ.47486$***@fx44.iad>

"I'll send right-wingnuts to hell. I'm more than ready for you
-Brave, brave Rudy, gearing up
-Message-ID: <RV%lJ.28968$***@fx04.iad>

You know I could kill you easily if we ever met.
-Rudy Canoza, dreaming again
-Message-ID: <QHCqJ.97446$***@fx39.iad>

Rightards always prate about "the melting pot," a lousy synonym for
assimilation, and consider it not merely a good thing, but a moral
imperative. So why don't Jews assimilate? Why is it you can watch an
episode of "Seinfeld" or "Curb Your Enthusiasm," and you simply know
you're watching Jews pushing their Jewness into your face? And why do
rightards excuse Jews' refusal to assimilate? If minorities are
supposed to assimilate, why does this not apply to Jews?
-Our little dwarf goose-stepper Rudy posting as "David Elsan"
Message-ID: <3oywJ.88435$***@fx05.iad>

I swear to fuck, someone needs to sneak into your nursing home and
strangle you in the middle of the night.
-Rudy Canoza, waiting for his testicles to drop.
Message-ID: <qFJBJ.197370$***@fx45.iad>

Put all Republiscums/QAnon to death *now*
Message-ID: <vNoLJ.12128$***@fx40.iad>

What would be interesting would be to see a pack of hyenas tear you to
shreds and devour you.
-Rudy, fantasizing about the only way he could ever come out on top.
-Message-ID: <8jxLJ.18347$***@fx99.iad>

Maybe JThomQ and his family should be hacked to death with dull axes.
-Rudy Canoza, wishing he had the upper body strength to swing
something bigger than a fly swatter
Message-ID: <Xt5UJ.27675$***@fx22.iad>

Trump roots openly for Putin to prevail, and so do all
Republiscums/QAnon. Machine gun all of them.
-Rudy, masturbating to his wildest fantasy
Message-ID: <oOHYJ.107219$***@fx05.iad>

I can still kick your flabby doughy right-wingnut ass.
Our resident dwarf Rudy, hallucinating again
Message-ID: <z7I_J.471934$***@fx09.iad>

Someone needs to bust a 2x4 across Carlson's face.
Rudy, wishing he had the courage, guts, and height to do it himself.
Message-ID: <q_j%J.113637$***@fx08.iad>

Whatever it takes - Stop the traitor Republiscums/QAnon. Execute them
-Rudy, wishing he wasn't an impotent dwarf
Message-ID: <j7Y7K.338066$***@fx45.iad>

Bullshit. Fuck off and die. Tell me your real name and address and
I'll come help you with it.
-Brave Sir Rudy, hoping *this* dragon never shows up.
-Message-ID: <9rAfK.41324$***@fx96.iad>

Subject: Who doesn't want to see dead Russians stacked like cordwood?
We want to see hundreds of thousands of dead Russian troop, and tens
of millions of dead Russian civilians.Russia has a population of about
144 million. It needs to drop to 50 million or so. Dead Russians
gladden the heart of all right-thinking persons.
-Rudy "The Little Führer" Canoza
-Message-ID: <QHlgK.2483$***@fx36.iad>

As for the number, on reconsideration, I think it's too high.
There ought to be no more Russians than there are people
in the Baltic states, so about six million. That's plenty.
-Message-ID: <c2vgK.12533$***@fx12.iad>

I'm not calling for killing anyone. I just want to see Russian
fertility fall to zero, or close to it.
-Rudy, frantically backpedaling after the FBI knocked on his door
-Message-ID: <PMxgK.5331$***@fx97.iad>

You *need* to be culled, and I am just the person to cull
you. Francis Mark Hansen, Hartung, kleine klauschen "no-foreskin"
Schittenkike, #ReamMeUpTheAssSnotty, BlueGirl, Gak, Kremlin Girl / Bit
of Nothingness â€â€? they all need to be machine-gunned and buried
with a backhoe.
-Rudy, feelng brave
Post by Rich
"Stand up" [to the NRA] does not say anything useful.
What specifically do you propose doing?
Beating Wayne LaPierre within a millimeter of his life, Francis.
-Brave, brave Rudy, forgetting that Wayne is most likely armed
Message-ID: <AFIwK.439251$***@fx17.iad>

The entire staff of the NY Post need to be beaten to a pulp.
-Rudy, googling location of NY Post parking lot
-Message-ID: <uZWzK.472590$***@fx13.iad>

I hope to goddamned fucking christ that your daughters are raped and
become pregnant. Bonus points if the rapists are black.
-Rudy, typing with one hand
-Message-ID: <vd3AK.383672$***@fx10.iad>

I'm not a coward, Jack-off Skeeter Shit-4-Braincell â€â€? you are.
You won't fight me because you know I'll snap your fucking neck.
-Rudy, wishing he was tall enough to reach 'Somebody too's' neck
Message-ID: <C3jBK.565503$***@fx18.iad>

Do you want me to kill you? Just say the word, bitch.
-Rudy, forging Klaus's name, way past his bed time.
Message-ID: <ItgQK.7452$***@fx46.iad>

I am going to see to it that you are shackled to the statue for 48
hours, you racist white supremacist cocksucker.
-Rudy threatening "Ken" about what he's gonna do if he ever comes out
of his basement
Message-ID: <LZmUK.512954$***@fx15.iad>

The right wing need to be annihilated. They are not fit to live in
civilized society.
-Message-ID: <ZlDrJ.78124$***@fx05.iad>

You are going to be culled, you shitbag.
-Rudy, threatening someone while he forges someone else, like the
coward he is
-Message-ID: <bH%WK.96542$***@fx38.iad>

What we have too many of are racist neo-Nazi shitbags like you. I'm
going to reduce that number by one.
-Rudy Canoza, wishing
Message-ID: <rKZXK.97277$***@fx08.iad>

Fuck you both. Fuck you both up the ass with a running chainsaw.
-Rudy, wishing he had the strength to start a chainsaw
Message-ID: <ksmYK.199683$***@fx09.iad>

Greene is such a stupid useless cunt. Someone needs to rape her and
cut her tits off.
-Rudy, demonstrating his Electra Complex
Message-ID: <RW5vL.576440$***@fx18.iad>

If I could find this impotent little fuck "wannabe," I would put him
into a permanent vegetative state. His teeth would look like Greek
ruins by the time I finished with him.
- Rudy, if he were only a little bit taller
Message-ID: <R5c5M.1665843$***@fx13.iad>

If killing annoying people were permitted, I would have offed you long
-Rudy, wishing he had the balls
Message-ID: <KZc5M.2727415$***@fx17.iad>

Someone needs to genocide you, you shit-4-braincell cocksucker.
-Rudy, getting too old to do it himself, apparently
Message-ID: <meY8M.648815$***@fx46.iad>

Say it now. If you refuse to say it, you are admitting you are a
racist pig and deserve to be exterminated.
-Rudy, pretending he's in charge
Post by Rich
Thanks for your edited reply.  Rumor had it that you had died by choking to
death at the Jolly Cone.
It's written *Kone*, not "Cone," and I've never been to one.
-Rudy, attempting to distance himself from his past idiocy and lies
Message-ID: <tCkpM.30059$***@fx18.iad>

Evangelicals should all die, painfully.
-Rudy, wishing his testicles would drop so he could do something about
Message-ID: <x0BuM.30794$***@fx35.iad>

I would have you locked in a dungeon and my Cane Corso dog would
sodomize you multiple times a day. Fuck off, you little faggot bitch.
-Rudy, admitting he's trained his dog to be his sex partner
Message-ID: <v5rCM.410446$***@fx09.iad>

You are going to be hacked to bits, as you should be...in any sane
-Rudy, bringing a sword to a gun fight
Message-ID: <hyhCM.526979$***@fx14.iad>

Fuck them all. May they all fall victims to AIDS, COVID-19 or violent
-Rudy, realizing he's too petite to vanquish his enemies.
Message-ID: <ql7DM.132984$***@fx46.iad>

Anyone who says that needs to have his head caved in with a bat.
-Rudy "Li'l Slugger" Canoza
Message-ID: <5jlfN.51806$***@fx17.iad>

Subhuman Nazi filth like you need to be culled.
-Judenfürchtig Zwerginführerin Rudy
Message-ID: <y4BRN.786038$***@fx14.iad>

I have a shotgun ready for yours [head], spammy, you lying little
nutless cocksucker.
But first I'm going to use it on your little Q-tip sized junk.
-"Shotgun" Rudy
Message-ID: <zXr3O.3739$***@fx14.iad>

Line them all up and machine gun them into a trench, then bury them
with a backhoe.
Zwergdiktator Rudy Canoza
Message-ID: <cx65O.41136$***@fx15.iad>

spammy is going to be culled.
Rudy, pissed that someone is using more nyms than he is
Message-ID: <v7r9dt$1pcd9$***@dont-email.me>

You are about to be disappeared.
Another impotent threat from the midget forger
Message-ID: <FAIAO.248363$***@fx16.iad>

Racist white "Christian Nationalists." These people need to be
More masturbation fantasies from Rudy
Message-ID: <Iw_DO.393144$***@fx14.iad>

People who post to alt.fan.rush-limbaugh and cross-post to
alt.computer.workshop and comp.os.linux.advocacy are Nazi shitbags.
Kill them all.
-Impotent Nazi shitbag Rudy Canoza
Message-ID: <0skEO.58709$***@fx37.iad>
Andrew W
2024-10-17 22:14:30 UTC
Post by Rich
He believes in violence, yet he was probably one of the ones trying to
accuse Trump of inciting violence.
Definition of an idiot/ignoramus: Someone who gets their information from
the mainstream media and calls it facts and evidence.

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