Jim Jordan asks DOJ watchdog to investigate whether FBI 'purging' agents with conservative views
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2024-06-20 18:14:38 UTC
June 20, 2024

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday asked the
Justice Department's chief watchdog to open an investigation into
whether the FBI has been using political litmus tests to push out
agents or workers with conservative political views and sent a stark
warning to Director Christopher Wray.

"The FBI appears to be purging itself of employees who do not share its
preferred political views," Jordan wrote in a letter to Wray after
sending a separate letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz
seeking the inquiry.

Jordan's letters came just days after Just the News reported that
documents from an FBI security clearance review had asked whether an
employee vocalized support for Donald Trump, attended a 2nd Amendment
rally or expressed vaccine skepticism.

The chairman, who has been running an investigation into the alleged
political weaponization of law enforcement, told Horowitz that the FBI
targeting of a "colleague’s political beliefs and protected First
Amendment activities" was deeply concerning and appeared to have
nothing to do with evaluating risks.

"These actions only serve to further erode the dwindling public trust
in the FBI and reinforce the Committee and Select Subcommittee’s
concerns about political bias within the FBI," he wrote.


In his separate letter to Wray, Jordan said there appeared to be no
security clearance purpose for asking about an employee's political

"While the FBI may have a legitimate reason to determine whether its
employees commit or advocate for illegal acts, the questions included
in the interview outline are 'completely irrelevant to any legitimate
security risk determination,' and relying on information produced in
response to such questions to revoke the former employee’s security
clearance 'obviously violates the First Amendment,'" he wrote.

2024-06-26 04:39:03 UTC
Post by Johnny
June 20, 2024
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday asked the
Justice Department's chief watchdog to open an investigation into
whether the FBI has been using political litmus tests to push out
agents or workers with conservative political views and sent a stark
warning to Director Christopher Wray.
"The FBI appears to be purging itself of employees who do not share its
preferred political views," Jordan wrote in a letter to Wray after
sending a separate letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz
seeking the inquiry.
2024-06-26 05:00:26 UTC
Post by Johnny
June 20, 2024
House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan on Thursday asked the
Justice Department's chief watchdog to open an investigation into
whether the FBI has been using political litmus tests to push out
agents or workers with conservative political views and sent a stark
warning to Director Christopher Wray.
"The FBI appears to be purging itself of employees who do not share its
preferred political views," Jordan wrote in a letter to Wray after
sending a separate letter to DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz
seeking the inquiry.
No that isn't happening now Gymbo but it will if your hero Trump sneaks
back in.

Trump and his Trumpanzees just love to project to justify their own
radical behavior.
cicero venatio
2024-06-26 11:23:00 UTC
Post by super70s
No that isn't happening now Gymbo but it will if your hero Trump sneaks
back in.
Trump and his Trumpanzees just love to project to justify their own
radical behavior.
Gym Jordan is under investigation by the FBI for pedaling kiddy pornograpy!

He's a culture warrior.
