Pope Fading Fast
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2025-02-23 00:12:22 UTC
A few days ago they said he was "improving" - but
today we find out he's gone critical and is getting
blood transfusions and a bunch of other life-support

His general health had been getting worse over the
past few years.

So they're gonna have to select a new Pope again.
2025 is gonna be one of the weirder years for a
variety of reasons, so getting a good Pope is
critical for the HRCC.

OR, they can all become Baptists ...
Mitchell Holman
2025-02-23 03:25:15 UTC
Post by c186282
A few days ago they said he was "improving" - but
today we find out he's gone critical and is getting
blood transfusions and a bunch of other life-support
His general health had been getting worse over the
past few years.
So they're gonna have to select a new Pope again.
2025 is gonna be one of the weirder years for a
variety of reasons, so getting a good Pope is
critical for the HRCC.
Old men in funny hats.
Post by c186282
OR, they can all become Baptists ...
Young men who diddle children.

US Southern Baptist churches facing
apocalypse over sexual abuse scandal
June 12 2012
2025-02-23 05:00:27 UTC
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by c186282
A few days ago they said he was "improving" - but
today we find out he's gone critical and is getting
blood transfusions and a bunch of other life-support
His general health had been getting worse over the
past few years.
So they're gonna have to select a new Pope again.
2025 is gonna be one of the weirder years for a
variety of reasons, so getting a good Pope is
critical for the HRCC.
Old men in funny hats.
That's one (fair) way of looking at it.

However, VAST numbers of people vest a lot in
what those guys/institution say and do - it IS
an important element of 'civilization' and
collective psychology.

Not entirely WHY humans are so attracted to
religions. However it seems to be 'universal'
across time and cultures. The massive success
of the 'Potter' books/films show that humans
are still VERY keen on looking for 'magic'
even in the 'sophisticated' western world.

Hmm ... for chimps, 'god' is the alpha male.
That extra human IQ - maybe it made it possible
to conceive of a 'meta' alpha, something completely
beyond the physical ? Once thought - it's easy to
embellish such ideas any way you want, make a
'good story', guess what 'god' wants. Also obvious
how easily others strongly drift into such tales.
"Gawd sez give our kids poisoned kool-aid ? OK !" ...
Post by Mitchell Holman
Post by c186282
OR, they can all become Baptists ...
Young men who diddle children.
Likely a lot of diddling in other religions too, we
just don't hear about it so much. Actually, religions
or not, there seems to be a vast amount of child-
diddling running back to the dawn of history. Even
now the S.American cartels make huge money by
pimping kiddies - and it ain't all to the HRCC
or SBC.

As for ex-Catholics ... still better Baptists
than Mormons :-)
cicero venatio
2025-02-23 05:18:41 UTC
Expect Trump's latest Presidential Decree proclaiming himself Pope and
warning the Vatican that he'll cut their funding and burn RC churches if
they push back.
2025-02-23 08:40:15 UTC
Post by cicero venatio
Expect Trump's latest Presidential Decree proclaiming himself Pope and
warning the Vatican that he'll cut their funding and burn RC churches if
they push back.
Yea ! :-)

Though I can't see Trump wearing one
of those funny hats ......
2025-02-23 20:58:30 UTC
Post by cicero venatio
Expect Trump's latest Presidential Decree proclaiming himself Pope and
warning the Vatican that he'll cut their funding and burn RC churches if
they push back.
Pope-elect Donald the First had this to say as he spoke from the Rose

"I am honored to be your new spiritual lighthouse, and the first MAGA
Pope. I promise Evangelical Catho-licks and Prostates alike that
I will be embodied in salvation and fair in the performance of my

I am obliged to try to save as many lost souls as I can, at least
the Devout Wealthy Elite Souls, as it is well known that Heaven is
a very select place, indeed, it is more exclusive than even
Mar-A-Lago (heretofore known as Vatican West) and the Trump Golf
Clubs. It is a members' only Heaven. I may have to put a fence
around it.

I will perform miracles in a fair and balanced manner. Just as God
used to wipe out entire races of people without warning, burning
whole towns of perverts, killing off entire nations, and drowning
everybody without a ticket to board Noah's Ark, I shall deliver the
world from Evil Empires like Ukraine, Greenland and Panama as I
unleash the Apocalypse Wrath of Revelations.

I will ensure the Rapture and will not allow those awful Lib'rul
Sissy Homosapiens to marry each other and I will put and end to the
Clergy-marrying Choirboys and Satan-worshipping Transsexuals.

I will lead the Crusades against all them towel-headed heathens-
possessed voodoo-hoodoo barbarians who's Pseudo-religions that
don't accept the Lord as the Light of my Plutocracy, and who
worship fake, made-up gods.

They shall suffer my Godly Far-Right Wrath and I will Destroy
them with my Cherubic Armies of Angels and they shall burn for
eternity in Hell, because Pope Donald the First and God don't take
no prisoners!

Siri Cruise
2025-02-23 22:54:56 UTC
Post by super70s
Post by cicero venatio
Expect Trump's latest Presidential Decree proclaiming himself Pope and
warning the Vatican that he'll cut their funding and burn RC churches if
they push back.
Pope-elect Donald the First had this to say as he spoke from the Rose
We need a Latin version. Donalducus 1.
Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. @
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.' /|\
The Church of the Holey Apple .signature 3.2 / \
of Discordian Mysteries. This post insults Islam. Mohamed