Post by The StarmakerPost by The Starmakerww3
Imagine if you will..
Ukraine is a proxy of
the United States...
and since there are
thousands of
North Koreans
fighting for Russia,
we are at war again with
North Korea!
Why does the
United States gets
itself in these chink wars?
But, mosts of yous..
if not all of yous,
don't know History.
Like for example, in ww2
Why did Japan bombed Pearl Harbor????
But, mosts of yous..
if not all of yous,
don't know History and
don't know the answer
to that question.
And if I give you a hint..
it will make it worse!
So, I'm going to give you the
hint anyway.
The United States dropped the
Atomic Bomb on Japan, twice.
Now, the 'Fact' is..
the atomic bomb was dropped on Japan in August, 1945...
but, Albert Einstein was informed that the atomic bomb would
be used on Japan back in March 1945 that same year..
Albert Einstein didn't mentioned to anyone for 5 months, Why?
Because, Albert Einstein wanted ALL the people in Japan to die!
Now you asking yourself the Question,
Why did Albert Einstein wanted all the people in Japan to die?
Let's go back to Question number one...
Why did Japan bombed Pearl Harbor????
If you know the True answer to that first question, then you
Why did Albert Einstein wanted all the people in Japan to die?
Why did Albert Einstein wanted all the people in Japan to die?
From the point of view of world leaders, when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor.. Winston Churlhill knew right away that
the Unted States will go to war with Germany.
"This, however, does not cause me to consider the intrigues of Japan and the powers behind her any less damnable
than you do.I have on various occasions hinted at the possibility of an international economic boycott against Japan, only to
find that nothing could be achieved, obviously because of the powerful private economic interests that are involved!"
He shared the widespread view on the left that Japans attack on Manchuria was encouraged by those who sought to undermine the Soviet Union.
"Ever since Japan embarked on its Manchurian ad-venture, it has been clear to me that it was supported by powerful, invisible allies," and he
further presumed that "they are the same forces which are sabotaging the disarmament effort."
"by powerful, invisible allies"????
Why did Japan bombed Pearl Harbor????
The answer is very simple..
In ww2, Japan was an ally of Germany.
Japan was a proxy of Germany
"by powerful, invisible allies"???? Germany of course!
Japan and Germany were the axixes of evil in ww2 days.
I love war.
As anyone can clearly see (if you understand Albert Einstein's foreign
Albert Einstein is a self-appointed world Earth leader..his own one
world government.
In Einstein's view, world peace would be guaranteed only when the
leaders of individual nations answered to his single supranational
Albert Einstein's policy is:
that we live in peace,
without arms or armies, secure in
the knowledge that we are free from
aggression and war -- free to pursue
more profitable enterprises.
"they (Japan and Germany) are the same forces which are sabotaging the
disarmament effort."-- Albert Einstien
Sabotaging Albert Einstein's disarment effort.
The penalty for sabotaging Einstein's disarmament effort is too terrible
to risk.
In other words, you fuck with Albert Einstein and you're fucking dead!
"I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU WHOLE FUCKING FAMILY, AND YOUR FUCKING COUNTRY!!" peace would be guaranteed only when the leaders of individual
nations answered to his single supranational government.
No wonder Israel tried to get Albert Einstein to be President of
Israel wanted to be...head of The One World Government!
Following are quotes from Albert Einstein:
But in blaming the Russians the Americans should not ignore the fact
that they themselves have not voluntarily
renounced the use of the bomb as an ordinary weapon in the time before
the achievement of supranational control, or if supranational control
is not achieved. Thus they have fed the fear of other countries that
they consider the bomb a legitimate part of their arsenal so long as
other countries decline to accept their terms for supranational
Albert Einstein: "There is only one path to peace and security: the path
of supranational organization."
Albert Einstein: "to control all military forces except for local police
forces, including nuclear weapons", are the only way to prevent nuclear
As one immune from nationalist bias, I personally see a simple way of
dealing with the superficial (i.e., administrative) aspect of
the problem: the setting up, by international consent, of a legislative
and judicial body to settle every conflict arising between nations.
Each nation would undertake to abide by the orders issued by this
legislative body, to invoke its decision in every dispute, -Albert
The United Nations now, and world government eventually, must serve one
single goal the guarantee of the security,
tranquillity and the welfare of all mankind. -Albert Einstein
for as long as atomic energy and armaments are considered a vital part
of national security no nation will give more
than lip service to international treaties. Security . . . can be
reached only when necessary guarantees of law and enforcement obtain
everywhere, so
that military security is no longer the problem of any single state.
There is no compromise possible between preparation for war, on the one
hand, and
preparation of a world society based on law and order on the other.
-Albert Einstein
The only hope for protection lies in the securing of peace in a
supranational way. A world government must be created
which is able to solve conflicts between nations by judicial decision. .
. based on a clear cut constitution which is approved by the governments
the nations and which gives it the sole disposition of offensive
weapons. A person or a nation can be considered peace loving only if it
is ready to cede
its military force to the international authorities and to renounce
every attempt or even the means of achieving its interests abroad by the
use of force.
The Starmaker -- To question the unquestionable, ask the unaskable,
to think the unthinkable, mention the unmentionable, say the unsayable,
and challenge the unchallengeable.