Mitchell Holman
2025-02-23 03:36:12 UTC
PermalinkER waiting room for 7 hours, leaving
without treatment
October 29, 2021
A woman said she was billed for a
trip to the emergency room, even
though she didn't receive any
Taylor Davis said she went to the
Emory Decatur Hospital ER in July
for a head injury.
She sat in the waiting room for
hours, but with no end in sight,
she decided to leave.
"I sat there for seven hours.
There's no way I should be sitting
in an emergency emergency
room for seven hours," she said.
A couple of weeks later, a surprise
came in her mailbox.
It was a bill from the hospital for
nearly $700.
"I didn't get my vitals taken, nobody
called my name. I wasn't seen at all,"
Davis said.
An email sent to Davis by an Emory
Healthcare patient financial services
employee states "You get charged before
you are seen. Not for being seen."
Davis said unfortunately, she'll think
twice before stepping foot in an ER.,
now that she knows what she can
potentially be charged with,