The Definition of Political Opportunism
(too old to reply)
2006-10-05 10:59:33 UTC
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter

At least liberals are finally exhibiting a moral compass about something. I
am sure that they'd be equally outraged if Rep. Mark Foley were a Democrat.

The object lesson of Foley's inappropriate e-mails to male pages is that
when a Republican congressman is caught in a sex scandal, he immediately
resigns and crawls off into a hole in abject embarrassment. Democrats get

Foley didn't claim he was the victim of a "witch hunt." He didn't whine that
he was a put-upon "gay American." He didn't stay in Congress and haughtily
rebuke his critics. He didn't run for re-election. He certainly didn't claim
he was "saving the Constitution." (Although his recent discovery that he has
a drinking problem has a certain Democratic ring to it.)

In 1983, Democratic congressman Gerry Studds was found to have sexually
propositioned House pages and actually buggered a 17-year-old male page whom
he took on a trip to Portugal. The 46-year-old Studds indignantly attacked
those who criticized him for what he called a "mutually voluntary, private
relationship between adults."

When the House censured Studds for his sex romp with a male page, Studds --
not one to be shy about presenting his backside to a large group of men --
defiantly turned his back on the House during the vote. He ran for
re-election and was happily returned to office SIX more times by liberal
Democratic voters in his Martha's Vineyard district. (They really liked his
campaign slogan: "It's the outfit, stupid.")

Washington Post columnist Colman McCarthy referred to Studds' affair with a
teenage page as "a brief consenting homosexual relationship" and denounced
Studds' detractors for engaging in a "witch hunt" against gays: "New England
witch trials belong to the past, or so it is thought. This summer on Cape
Cod, the reputation of Rep Gerry Studds was burned at the stake by a large
number of his constituents determined to torch the congressman for his
private life."

Meanwhile, Foley is hiding in a hole someplace.

No one demanded to know why the Democrat Speaker of the House, Thomas "Tip"
O'Neill, took one full decade to figure out that Studds was propositioning
male pages.

But now, the same Democrats who are incensed that Bush's National Security
Agency was listening in on al-Qaida phone calls are incensed that
Republicans were not reading a gay congressman's instant messages.

Let's run this past the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals: The suspect sent an
inappropriately friendly e-mail to a teenager -- oh also, we think he's gay.
Can we spy on his instant messages? On a scale of 1 to 10, what are the odds
that any court in the nation would have said: YOU BET! Put a tail on that
guy -- and a credit check, too!

When Republicans on the Senate Judiciary Committee found unprotected e-mails
from the Democrats about their plan to oppose Miguel Estrada's judicial
nomination because he was Hispanic, Democrats erupted in rage that their
e-mails were being read. The Republican staffer responsible was forced to

But Democrats are on their high horses because Republicans in the House did
not immediately wiretap Foley's phones when they found out he was engaging
in e-mail chitchat with a former page about what the kid wanted for his

The Democrats say the Republicans should have done all the things Democrats
won't let us do to al Qaida -- solely because Foley was rumored to be gay.
Maybe we could get Democrats to support the NSA wiretapping program if we
tell them the terrorists are gay.

On Fox News' "Hannity and Colmes" Monday night, Democrat Bob Beckel said a
gay man should be kept away from male pages the same way Willie Sutton
should have been kept away from banks. "If Willie Sutton is around some
place where a bank is robbed," Beckel said, "then you're probably going to
say, 'Willie, stay away from the robbery.'"

Hmmmm, let's search the memory bank. In July 2000, the New York Times
"ethicist" Randy Cohen advised a reader that pulling her son out of the Cub
Scouts because they exclude gay scout masters was "the ethical thing to do."
The "ethicist" explained: "Just as one is honor bound to quit an
organization that excludes African-Americans, so you should withdraw from
scouting as long as it rejects homosexuals."

We need to get a rulebook from the Democrats:
Boy Scouts -- As gay as you want to be.
Priests -- No gays!
Democrat politicians -Proud gay Americans.
Republican politicians - Presumed guilty.
White House Press Corps - No gays, unless they hate Bush.
Active Duty U.S. Military - As gay as possible.
Men Who Date Liza Minelli - Do I have to draw you a picture, Miss Thing?

This is the very definition of political opportunism. If Republicans had
decided to spy on Foley for sending overly friendly e-mails to pages,
Democrats would have been screaming about a Republican witch hunt against
gays. But if they don't, they're enabling a sexual predator.

Talk to us Monday. Either we'll be furious that Republicans violated the
man's civil rights, or we'll be furious that they didn't.

Amanda Williams
2006-10-05 11:42:50 UTC
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
[... much whining and crying zapped ...]
Post by Pookie
OMG... NOT "political opportunism" !!!!!! we are ALL devastated... just
devastated... well that's just... well... devastating... <snicker>

Meanwhile back in the REAL world...

Geez, do you rightards EVER stop whining and crying?

btw, Pukie your little butt-buddy pedo Foley, being a rich white
republican, will never see the inside of a jail cell.. so stop worrying...


<small but dangerous>
Jebus Saves
2006-10-05 12:51:01 UTC
Post by Amanda Williams
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
[... much whining and crying zapped ...]
Post by Pookie
OMG... NOT "political opportunism" !!!!!! we are ALL devastated... just
devastated... well that's just... well... devastating... <snicker>
Meanwhile back in the REAL world...
Geez, do you rightards EVER stop whining and crying?
btw, Pukie your little butt-buddy pedo Foley, being a rich white
republican, will never see the inside of a jail cell.. so stop worrying...
<small but dangerous>
When are you going to learn that when a democrat does something that it
means that ALL DEMOCCRATS did it and when a Neocon scumbag does something,
he is a victim of the liberal media and it is an isolated incident but does
not matter since Clinton got a blowjob. I wish Pookie could meet Ann
Coulter, that much stupidity in one room would cause a vortex of idiocy that
would warp them into another dimension full of halfwitted Nazi Wannabes.
2006-10-06 20:01:52 UTC
Post by Jebus Saves
Post by Amanda Williams
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
[... much whining and crying zapped ...]
Post by Pookie
OMG... NOT "political opportunism" !!!!!! we are ALL devastated... just
devastated... well that's just... well... devastating... <snicker>
Meanwhile back in the REAL world...
Geez, do you rightards EVER stop whining and crying?
btw, Pukie your little butt-buddy pedo Foley, being a rich white
republican, will never see the inside of a jail cell.. so stop worrying...
<small but dangerous>
When are you going to learn that when a democrat does something that it
means that ALL DEMOCCRATS did it and when a Neocon scumbag does something,
he is a victim of the liberal media and it is an isolated incident but
does not matter since Clinton got a blowjob. I wish Pookie could meet Ann
Coulter, that much stupidity in one room would cause a vortex of idiocy
that would warp them into another dimension full of halfwitted Nazi
Pookie and Ann might have some gay secks. Or is pookie a girl?

2006-10-05 13:53:04 UTC
Post by Amanda Williams
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
[... much whining and crying zapped ...]
Post by Pookie
OMG... NOT "political opportunism" !!!!!! we are ALL devastated... just
devastated... well that's just... well... devastating... <snicker>
Meanwhile back in the REAL world...
Geez, do you rightards EVER stop whining and crying?
btw, Pukie your little butt-buddy pedo Foley, being a rich white
republican, will never see the inside of a jail cell.. so stop worrying...
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2006-10-06 20:04:12 UTC
Post by Pookie
Post by Amanda Williams
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
[... much whining and crying zapped ...]
Post by Pookie
OMG... NOT "political opportunism" !!!!!! we are ALL devastated... just
devastated... well that's just... well... devastating... <snicker>
Meanwhile back in the REAL world...
Geez, do you rightards EVER stop whining and crying?
btw, Pukie your little butt-buddy pedo Foley, being a rich white
republican, will never see the inside of a jail cell.. so stop worrying...
Cute pix, pookie, but none of them make any sense. It's not that the guy is
gay or horny. It's the fact that it was NOT between CONSENSUAL ADULTS.
2006-10-05 13:40:53 UTC
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-05 13:55:50 UTC
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Cory Bhreckan
2006-10-05 14:29:45 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women?
What woman? He was talking about Ann Coulter!
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Ah, that would be Ann Coulter.
Post by lab~rat >:-)
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
"For the stronger we our houses do build,
The less chance we have of being killed." - William Topaz McGonagall
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-05 14:50:03 UTC
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 14:29:45 GMT, Cory Bhreckan
Post by Cory Bhreckan
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women?
What woman? He was talking about Ann Coulter!
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Ah, that would be Ann Coulter.
Ya know, I haven't been fishing for a while. Glad to see I can still
do it and the fish are still stupid. LOL
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-06 20:07:24 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 14:29:45 GMT, Cory Bhreckan
Post by Cory Bhreckan
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women?
What woman? He was talking about Ann Coulter!
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Ah, that would be Ann Coulter.
Ya know, I haven't been fishing for a while. Glad to see I can still
do it and the fish are still stupid. LOL
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Then explain this:
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-09 12:31:18 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 14:29:45 GMT, Cory Bhreckan
Post by Cory Bhreckan
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women?
What woman? He was talking about Ann Coulter!
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Ah, that would be Ann Coulter.
Ya know, I haven't been fishing for a while. Glad to see I can still
do it and the fish are still stupid. LOL
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
How about this?

Loading Image...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-05 14:49:55 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Women with cocks????? What kind of people have you been hanging out

lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-06 12:20:41 UTC
Post by NuGrass
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Women with cocks????? What kind of people have you been hanging out
Liberals. ;)
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-05 15:09:42 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-06 12:20:42 UTC
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-06 20:08:15 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-09 12:31:32 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-09 15:01:09 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-09 15:51:14 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-09 17:22:26 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.

lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-10 11:56:06 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-10 13:56:06 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman... moderately attractive for her age on a physical level... very
attractive on a mental level. And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-10 14:06:29 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman..
She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart.
Post by DemzRock
. moderately attractive for her age on a physical level...
I disagree.
Post by DemzRock
attractive on a mental level.
YOUR mental level, maybe. I think of her as a shock jock that decided
to take up politics. Which is what she is.
Post by DemzRock
And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
LOL, wrong buddy...

lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-10 14:20:45 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman..
She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart.
Post by DemzRock
. moderately attractive for her age on a physical level...
I disagree.
Post by DemzRock
attractive on a mental level.
YOUR mental level, maybe. I think of her as a shock jock that decided
to take up politics. Which is what she is.
Post by DemzRock
And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
LOL, wrong buddy...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I really don't see it. But if you see one, she might have a slight touch of
an Adams Apple, but it's like an anthill compared to the Mt. Everest of Ann
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-10 14:31:38 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman..
She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart.
Post by DemzRock
. moderately attractive for her age on a physical level...
I disagree.
Post by DemzRock
attractive on a mental level.
YOUR mental level, maybe. I think of her as a shock jock that decided
to take up politics. Which is what she is.
Post by DemzRock
And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
LOL, wrong buddy...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I really don't see it. But if you see one, she might have a slight touch of
an Adams Apple, but it's like an anthill compared to the Mt. Everest of Ann
LOL. Whatever, dude.
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-10 14:26:15 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman..
She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart.
Post by DemzRock
. moderately attractive for her age on a physical level...
I disagree.
Post by DemzRock
attractive on a mental level.
YOUR mental level, maybe. I think of her as a shock jock that decided
to take up politics. Which is what she is.
Post by DemzRock
And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
LOL, wrong buddy...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Oh, let me respond to this:

"She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart."???

She's smart enough to ferret out the true articles. She discusses them.
She interprets them. She makes fun of neocons and makes me laugh. And
your "change the subject" is really clarifying and comparing. She gets to
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.

At least, she doesn't say SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, like O'Reilly.
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-11 11:47:12 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman..
She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart.
Post by DemzRock
. moderately attractive for her age on a physical level...
I disagree.
Post by DemzRock
attractive on a mental level.
YOUR mental level, maybe. I think of her as a shock jock that decided
to take up politics. Which is what she is.
Post by DemzRock
And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
LOL, wrong buddy...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
"She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart."???
She's smart enough to ferret out the true articles. She discusses them.
She interprets them. She makes fun of neocons and makes me laugh. And
your "change the subject" is really clarifying and comparing.
No, it's changing the subject.

She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
Post by DemzRock
At least, she doesn't say SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, like O'Reilly.
Wouldn't know, I don't think I've listened to him longer that a couple
of minutes in my life. I know for a fact that I have listened to more
Randi than you have, though...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-11 20:56:30 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 11:09:42 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you
ones with cocks or something?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
To locate Coulter from your position, look straight up.
It's far better than looking up and seeing Michael Moore...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
I wouldn't want to see either of those guys standing over me! hehe
Yeah, but pick one...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Neither thanks. I don't like guys. Fat straights or skinny transexuals.
And I'm married anyway! haha
I'm in agreement with everything you typed. Only difference is that I
can say I'd prefer Ann. You seem non committal...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
If you can prove Ann is female I would consider it.
So what's your opinion of Randi Rhodes?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Smart woman..
She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart.
Post by DemzRock
. moderately attractive for her age on a physical level...
I disagree.
Post by DemzRock
attractive on a mental level.
YOUR mental level, maybe. I think of her as a shock jock that decided
to take up politics. Which is what she is.
Post by DemzRock
And she doesn't have an Adams apple.
LOL, wrong buddy...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
"She reads articles from the internet and disconnects callers that peg
her and changes the subject to make it look like she's winning an
argument, if you call THAT smart."???
She's smart enough to ferret out the true articles. She discusses them.
She interprets them. She makes fun of neocons and makes me laugh. And
your "change the subject" is really clarifying and comparing.
No, it's changing the subject.
Post by lab~rat >:-)
She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
No, but most are. Once in a blue moon, someone with some smarts challenges
here and there is a heated but respectful debate.
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
At least, she doesn't say SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP, like O'Reilly.
Wouldn't know, I don't think I've listened to him longer that a couple
of minutes in my life. I know for a fact that I have listened to more
Randi than you have, though...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-12 11:48:40 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by DemzRock
She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
No, but most are. Once in a blue moon, someone with some smarts challenges
here and there is a heated but respectful debate.
The question here is how do they get through the screener?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-12 14:31:31 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by DemzRock
She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
No, but most are. Once in a blue moon, someone with some smarts challenges
here and there is a heated but respectful debate.
The question here is how do they get through the screener?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
It's hard to believe you even listen to AAR at all with a comment like that.
It's Rush that screens his calls to weed out opposition. Mike used to even
devote ENTIRE shows to his opposition. AAR loves to talk to conservatives.
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-12 14:41:01 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by DemzRock
She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
No, but most are. Once in a blue moon, someone with some smarts challenges
here and there is a heated but respectful debate.
The question here is how do they get through the screener?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
It's hard to believe you even listen to AAR at all with a comment like that.
Actually, it isn't. And I rarely listen to Randi anymore as she's on
at 7pm on my AAR station. I occasionally listen to Franken.
Post by DemzRock
It's Rush that screens his calls to weed out opposition.
I listen to Rush MAYBE ten minutes a week.
Post by DemzRock
Mike used to even
devote ENTIRE shows to his opposition. AAR loves to talk to conservatives.
Who's Mike?

And have you listened to Steve Kane yet? He actively trolls for kooky
liberals EVERY show. Something NO AAR host I have heard does...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-17 14:00:30 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by DemzRock
She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
No, but most are. Once in a blue moon, someone with some smarts challenges
here and there is a heated but respectful debate.
The question here is how do they get through the screener?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
It's hard to believe you even listen to AAR at all with a comment like that.
Actually, it isn't. And I rarely listen to Randi anymore as she's on
at 7pm on my AAR station. I occasionally listen to Franken.
Post by DemzRock
It's Rush that screens his calls to weed out opposition.
I listen to Rush MAYBE ten minutes a week.
Post by DemzRock
Mike used to even
devote ENTIRE shows to his opposition. AAR loves to talk to conservatives.
Who's Mike?
And have you listened to Steve Kane yet? He actively trolls for kooky
liberals EVERY show. Something NO AAR host I have heard does...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Mike Malloy. I mentioned him many a time. And he actively trolled for
kooky conservatives. Devoted whole shows to them. The cons that called
though were pretty pathetic. Had no grasp of the facts, only talking
points. Well, that's pretty par for the course.

I hear Mike will be subbing for Jerry Springer occasionally.

Yes, I know neither of them are on AAR any longer.

And yet, Jerry still has a show.

Sorry, LR, even if AAR dies, there will still be a couple of successful
liberal talkers out there... Not that I like Jerry much. But I do like
Stephanie Miller.

Is there anywhere to hear Steve Kane archives?
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-17 16:44:08 UTC
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by DemzRock
Post by DemzRock
She gets to
Post by DemzRock
the bottom line of a point and feeds it back to the caller, who often can't
answer a simple YES or NO question because his argument is so weak.
Are you saying every caller that challenges her is weak? You really
drank the Kool Aid. Is she right on every issue, too?
No, but most are. Once in a blue moon, someone with some smarts challenges
here and there is a heated but respectful debate.
The question here is how do they get through the screener?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
It's hard to believe you even listen to AAR at all with a comment like that.
Actually, it isn't. And I rarely listen to Randi anymore as she's on
at 7pm on my AAR station. I occasionally listen to Franken.
Post by DemzRock
It's Rush that screens his calls to weed out opposition.
I listen to Rush MAYBE ten minutes a week.
Post by DemzRock
Mike used to even
devote ENTIRE shows to his opposition. AAR loves to talk to conservatives.
Who's Mike?
And have you listened to Steve Kane yet? He actively trolls for kooky
liberals EVERY show. Something NO AAR host I have heard does...
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
Mike Malloy. I mentioned him many a time. And he actively trolled for
kooky conservatives. Devoted whole shows to them. The cons that called
though were pretty pathetic. Had no grasp of the facts, only talking
points. Well, that's pretty par for the course.
I think you missed something. Steve Kane does it EVERY SHOW. Not
occasionally, but every minute he's on the air.

And bear in mind, to conservatives, AAR's programming is NOTHING more
than a big string of talking points.
Post by DemzRock
I hear Mike will be subbing for Jerry Springer occasionally.
Yes, I know neither of them are on AAR any longer.
I guess bating conservatives into discussion doesn't go over well on
talk radio.
Post by DemzRock
And yet, Jerry still has a show.
Sorry, LR, even if AAR dies, there will still be a couple of successful
liberal talkers out there... Not that I like Jerry much. But I do like
Stephanie Miller.
Is there anywhere to hear Steve Kane archives?

There are no archives, you'll have to hear the show streaming.
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?

2006-10-05 16:03:01 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Reach much, lap~rat? I'm sure he feels the same way about Sean Hannity
who is a male (physiologically, anyway)!

A more reasonable question at this point would be: why do you have a
problem with logic?
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-06 12:20:43 UTC
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Reach much, lap~rat? I'm sure he feels the same way about Sean Hannity
who is a male (physiologically, anyway)!
A more reasonable question at this point would be: why do you have a
problem with logic?
LOL You were caught without even using a net. You have a lot of
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
That Coulter dude cracks me up!
What is it with you gender confused Demmies anyway?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-06 12:50:51 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Reach much, lap~rat? I'm sure he feels the same way about Sean Hannity
who is a male (physiologically, anyway)!
A more reasonable question at this point would be: why do you have a
problem with logic?
LOL You were caught without even using a net. You have a lot of
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
That Coulter dude cracks me up!
What is it with you gender confused Demmies anyway?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
WTF? This shows what, exactly, lap~rat?

(By the way, I didn't "act like you are stupid" -- I pointed out your
problems with logic which aren't necessarily the same things.)
lab~rat >:-)
2006-10-06 13:42:35 UTC
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Reach much, lap~rat? I'm sure he feels the same way about Sean Hannity
who is a male (physiologically, anyway)!
A more reasonable question at this point would be: why do you have a
problem with logic?
LOL You were caught without even using a net. You have a lot of
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
That Coulter dude cracks me up!
What is it with you gender confused Demmies anyway?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
WTF? This shows what, exactly, lap~rat?
(By the way, I didn't "act like you are stupid" -- I pointed out your
problems with logic which aren't necessarily the same things.)
My point was that I led you people into insulting Ann Coulter and you
insulted my bait saying it was a reach, while you made the same goddam
comment unprovoked.

You people are so predictable, that's because you drink the Demmie
Kool Aid. LOL
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
2006-10-06 16:51:54 UTC
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
On Thu, 05 Oct 2006 09:40:53 -0400, SgtMinor
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Why do you have problems with women? Are the only women you can get
ones with cocks or something?
Reach much, lap~rat? I'm sure he feels the same way about Sean Hannity
who is a male (physiologically, anyway)!
A more reasonable question at this point would be: why do you have a
problem with logic?
LOL You were caught without even using a net. You have a lot of
Post by k***@yahoo.com
Post by lab~rat >:-)
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
That Coulter dude cracks me up!
What is it with you gender confused Demmies anyway?
lab~rat >:-)
Do you want polite or do you want sincere?
WTF? This shows what, exactly, lap~rat?
(By the way, I didn't "act like you are stupid" -- I pointed out your
problems with logic which aren't necessarily the same things.)
My point was that I led you people into insulting Ann Coulter and you
insulted my bait saying it was a reach, while you made the same goddam
comment unprovoked.
You people are so predictable, that's because you drink the Demmie
Kool Aid. LOL
You really seem overwrought, lap~rat. You're not making sense. How was
my "...that Coulter Dude..." response to a post by Poopie an indication
that you led me into anything? Let's add Delusions of Grandeur to your
list of character flaws, shall we? (Unless you've just slipped and
revealed that you and Poopie are one and the same?)
2006-10-05 14:28:30 UTC
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
She's a messed up bitch.
2006-10-05 15:59:48 UTC
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
Nah, she sinks to the bottom.
2006-10-05 16:18:17 UTC
Post by SgtMinor
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
Ann Coulter represents the scum that floats on top of a cesspool.
2006-10-05 15:58:46 UTC
Post by Pookie
October 05, 2006
The Definition of Political Opportunism
By Ann Coulter
That Coulter dude cracks me up!
2006-10-05 19:43:14 UTC
Post by Pookie
At least liberals are finally exhibiting a moral compass about something. I
am sure that they'd be equally outraged if Rep. Mark Foley were a Democrat.
No, self-defined "liberals" are as hypocritical as "conservatives".

I, however, would feel the same. I would point and laugh, and the only
difference would be that a different set of idiots would be angry with me.